Wow! I'm so glad to see this many responses in such short time! And I hope to see many more!
There's alot more people out there that recognize the differences between Dubs and Subs than I thought there were. Wow!
I forgot to mention that I'm a very fast reader (and typer for that matter), so taking time to read the script doesn't stop me from seeing what's going on.
If English anime voice actors could have the same passion and spirit for anime that the Japanese have, then we could see alot more awesome dubs. I mean, alot of Dubbed voice actors sound a bit shy and embarressed. But, yeah, it's getting alot better now. The brand new Excel Saga has some very spirited English voice actors. The guys could use just a little help, but Jessica Calvello brings an English Excel to her full and insane life with insanely-great voice acting that fits Excel very, very well. She actually sounds like an anime fan. I think that's the major problem with English voice actors. Most of them probably don't even know what anime is, and the few that do probably aren't even fans or even like anime that much at all.
It would be nice if Dubs could be as great as Subs, cause watching and listening to what's going on is always better than reading the script, no matter how fast you read. Then agian, we could all learn Japanese. That would be even better, ne?
If you wanna buy Excel Saga, (or at least look at it) go here.
http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827 ... /4/1066/24
(the 2nd Volume comes out August 27th)
I'm gonna try to respond to some of things that have been up to this point.
Don't worry about your long response Digital_Sakura, it's cool to see huge responses every now and then. Like I said on my first post in this forum, "Say anything you wanna say!". Yeah, country hicks on Love Hina was a bad idea. It was OK in DOA2 for Playstation 2, you know, for Tina. But she was a actually was a country girl. I wouldn't be suprised if they hired people from The Fast & The Furious to do the Dubbed versions of Initial D. They'll probably try to give the chars "cool" voices. Hasn't this been attempted in all dubs?
Yeah, it was a very close call between the dubbed and subbed version of Princess Mononoke. (Has anyone watched the French version? They actually pronounce Mononoke wrong.) I still think the subbed is better,but BARELY. I mean, that anime was very enjoyable either way. The ending is explained a little better in the subbed version actually.
I really don't think that the quality of dubbing varies from title to title. I think it really has to with the company that makes them. We've basically all mentioned that ADV is doing the best with Dubs. I would say Manga is doing the 2nd best. Actually, the quality of dubbing depends on the voice actors, of course. Spirited anime fans make the best voice actors, and it seems ADV knows where to find them. Just watch Excel Saga and The Slayers Motion Picture. Very great dubbed versions. The subs are better, but the dubs are still very good.
Well, that's all I was able to relate to.
Has anyone noticed how when an anime is dubbed, it's redrawn? I don't know why, but the american versions of anime are always redrawn. It always gets worse. Less detail, less frames of animation. The colors are usually brighter, but that's all really. You can easily see this if you watch something like Cardcaptor Sakura, then go watch the dubbed Cardcaptors. (I don't even wanna say dubbed, more like ubbed or something) I wondering if the original drawings are placed on the DVDs..... Or if they just paste the Japanese audio over the american drawings. Nah.. couldn't be. Also, some scenes don't get redrawn in the american version. Not cause they're too hentai-ey, but cause the artists get lazy. So it seems at least.
Well, anyways, keep those replies coming!