Which anime series is better...Onegai Teacher, or Chobits?

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Post by Propyro » Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:53 pm

skanks wrote:
OmniStrata wrote:Please Teacher...

Hands Down...

*looks at your avar*

Hands down.... hrm.....
yea i was going to make a comment about that too ... but i decided to let it fly ... skanks on the other hand didn't ...

yea thats even worse then the original pun i thought up ...


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Post by Anlushac11 » Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:21 pm


As mentioned I hvaent seen Onegai Teacher but I love Onegai Twins. Onodera Karen is a anime babe.

As for Omnistrata's avatar, gotta love Ikkitousen.

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Post by omniinuyasha85 » Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:13 pm

Onegai teacher, short, to the point, funny...
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The third stage of the illness: muscle aches and persistent cough.
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Post by Laguna203 » Wed Oct 01, 2003 1:14 pm

well coming from a person that has seen both Onegai Teacher and Chobits.. choosing between the two are hard..

i havent seen Onegai Twins.. buh then again this thread isnt about that isnt it!! buh there are always those ppl that post saying that they havent seen the series and then comments on the other.. i think that the person that made the thread wants to kno the opinions of other ppl that have seen both series.. soo which one is better ?

Onegai Teacher is damn short buh in that short amount of time showd a lot between the characters.
Chobits is a bit longer and chii definately makes it awesome..

in short.. ima have to go with... chobits

it gave meh a feeling that Onegai Teacher didnt.. chobits eps 18-26 gave it the edge.

buh if you compare Onegai Twins to Chobits.. thas a different story (id have to finish Onegai Twins.. only on the 1st >.<)


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