Propyro wrote:schrizo wrote:best anime show ever- no
i love it when people say it's teh best ever, then you ask them why and htey go ... errr, i dunnot .. ummm ... it is ... watch it. but it is a good show ... too bad it has too many stupid fan boys.
I do believe it is the best anime ever made ( I havnt seen tons, so u can call it biased if you want
). But not for the stupid reason of mindless 'mecha' action.
Around the ending of the show i began learning about exremialism or the thought that every person is put on the earth to solve their own problems. I was also learning about the differences of Edgar Allen Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Then when DWChang explained everything to me it seemed all to fall right in place.
The people who disllike the ending of eva are all Edgar Allen Poes, or in other words people who want only a good plot ( related series of actions ) in which will keep them entertained for hoever long the story stretches.
The people who did like the ending are Nathaniel Hawthornes, or people who believe strongly in character developement to draw them into a sotry more then mindless action and the sort.
While Applieing that and how the ending is a completely perfect example of extremialism i fealt that i got a good grasp on what happened. At first i was somewhat disapointed in the whole closure to the story of the robotic action ( which is told in EoE i hear ) i fealt i got something more out of it because it finished the moral instead.
Hope that made since