I've realised something about Gundam Wing...

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Post by Decoy » Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:02 pm

Everyone is entitled to enjoy what they like, hell, in my youth i actually enjoyed the 1st season of pokemon (GOD FORGIVE ME I HAVE SINNED!), but i grew out of it because i finally came to realise it was ghey. Gundam wing is abit of a steriotype though, i must say giant robots used to be the first thing that came to mind before i started watching anime (it still does from time to time tho, eva, FMP, lots!)

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Post by DJ_Izumi » Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:16 pm

What about the sound effects? THE SOUND EFFECTS!

Gundam Wings effects are the most cliched anime sounds in history, sounds like most of them were made using a simple synth. :\

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Post by LindenRathan » Thu Nov 13, 2003 3:34 pm

.ecoy:. wrote:I must say giant robots used to be the first thing that came to mind before i started watching anime (it still does from time to time tho, eva, FMP, lots!)
90% of all animes revolve around giant robots, lizards, or other giant things that only want to destroy Tokyo or a major American city.
that also goes for any movie made in Japan(godzila,and something involving a giant turtle i forget the name of)
-The DragonLord Linden Rathan known to mortals as The Knight of Fire-

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Post by Milliardo » Thu Nov 13, 2003 3:50 pm

Arigatomyna wrote:As someone who groaned every single time she gave her "nothing can be accomplished through fighting" speaches, that movie speach "peace can only be obtained through fighting" just sealed my thoughts on her. I'd rather see her as a fanatic than a hypocrite.

Character growth - yes. Steady character - no. Her turn-around in beliefs was as extreme as Une's psycho versus sap character shifts.
Yes, for the entire series she believed that war was not necessary to obtain peace, but when peace had finally been obtained (through a war) and then that peace was threatened by a militant group, she realized that some people won't listen to reason. Peace is somthing that we do have to work for, and to keep.

It may have seemed that she did a complete 180 to save her own hide, but I think she realized that Trieze had been right all along. True peace can only be obtained when everyone is disgusted with war, and peace can only be maintained by reminding the people of what war is all about.

People are entitles to change their minds, otherwise we would all be hypocrites.

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Post by Arigatomina » Thu Nov 13, 2003 5:17 pm

Milliardo wrote:It may have seemed that she did a complete 180 to save her own hide, but I think she realized that Trieze had been right all along. True peace can only be obtained when everyone is disgusted with war, and peace can only be maintained by reminding the people of what war is all about.
I agree that the end of the series should have been more than enough to teach her the error of her ways (her ideals being useless and all), but the movie didn't take more than a few seconds to show that. I wish they'd taken at least a few mintues to show where her sudden change comes from. Instead she's silent for the most part and then suddenly opens her mouth to say something that goes against everything her character previously stood for. I like to think Gundam Wing gave some room for character growth (the movie certainly explained a lot about the pilots), but they skimped on her major revelation. We have no idea what exactly motivated her to change her mind - the kidnapping, the battle, the end of the series, everything that led up to the end of the series. As viewers we can look back and explain her actions, but going by the anime alone it comes out of nowhere. It's one of the problems I have with the series. They didn't take an extra 5 minutes of 'thought' (silent dialogue) on Relena's part to explain a major shift in the main character of the anime. >.<


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