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Post by ithaqua » Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:16 am

I got free time, so I'll pick this one up.

First of all, don't bitch about us using non-english words when you can't even spell.

Second, how is this giving anime a bad name? Because some of us don't focus on the violent aspects of anime like so many others? I don't even watch that much anime myself.

Third, the title of the thread was the warning. Sorry if you didn't know what yaoi meant. No one meant to offend people here, so again, sorry. For future reference, "yaoi" has become slang for "gay", and "yuri" has become slang for lesbian.

As for why this thread exists - most people who bring up anything remotely "yaoi" related in any other thread get flamed and insulted. So now we can just post stuff here and most people just don't click on it. They get to retain their worldview, we get left alone.
If nothing else, harsh noises get your attention.
clicky clicky^

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Post by Neo SHINIGAMI » Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:19 am

Image Kurama in a dress and Hiei in a suit?^^;
Join my yaoi PM mailing list at Anime Nation.com!ImagePM me to join!^.^ ~~H X K supporter~~

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Post by DJ_Izumi » Tue Dec 23, 2003 10:24 am

I don't see why that guy even freaked out... They mostly look like girls. :P If you skim threw quickly, it looks like flat chested lesbian porn. :D

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Post by kakashi sharingan » Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:08 am

ur all stupid asses my god if we cant talk about hentai in these threads than stop talking about ur gayy ass faggot yaoi
i hate u gays
i hate fricken gay ahhhhhh
damn yaoi ewwwwww
shinji: im so fucked up

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Post by DJ_Izumi » Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:10 am

He's freaking, it's funny... Why does he keep looking in here? He's curious. *giggles in a wicked way that only she can*

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Post by Arigatomina » Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:57 am

kakashi sharingan (with ignorance edited out) wrote:...if we cant talk about hentai in these threads than stop talking about...yaoi
Hentai does not mean male/female sex. It means anime sex, whether it's between two women, two men, or a man and a woman. This thread has no sex in it, it has no explicite pictures of sex in it, and no pictures of sexual nudity, so it has no hentai and is therefore not against the rule prohibiting hentai. I suggest you research more about anime in general, and what it means to read the title of a thread before you click on it.

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Post by Female_Sesshoumaru » Sat Dec 27, 2003 9:37 am

Please everyone calm down.Stop fighting and enjoy yourselves.

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Post by ithaqua » Sat Dec 27, 2003 10:55 pm

I like how the flamers just bump this to the top and get everyone to post again.

It's constructive irony, which is the best kind of irony.
If nothing else, harsh noises get your attention.
clicky clicky^

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Post by Tidus_F_F_X » Sun Dec 28, 2003 3:53 am

ithaqua wrote:I got free time, so I'll pick this one up.

First of all, don't bitch about us using non-english words when you can't even spell.

Second, how is this giving anime a bad name? Because some of us don't focus on the violent aspects of anime like so many others? I don't even watch that much anime myself.

Third, the title of the thread was the warning. Sorry if you didn't know what yaoi meant. No one meant to offend people here, so again, sorry. For future reference, "yaoi" has become slang for "gay", and "yuri" has become slang for lesbian.

As for why this thread exists - most people who bring up anything remotely "yaoi" related in any other thread get flamed and insulted. So now we can just post stuff here and most people just don't click on it. They get to retain their worldview, we get left alone.

umm ithaqua, #1 i dun see how my not knowing how to spell has ANYTHING ATT ALLL to do wit my not knowing a compleatly foreign language, sou can take that comment and shuv it bac where it came frum

Second of all, umm WTF, u ignorant retard u admit to not watching much anime and yet at the same time u say, "how is this giving anime a bad name? Because some of us don't focus on the violent aspects of anime like so many others" ummm HEY jerk-off, ive seen tonsa NON GAY, NON PORN, NON violent anime, love hina, love hina again, ah my goddess, chobits, SO SHUT UR IGNORANT MOUTH, u jerk-off. AND ILL TELL U HOW THIS GIVES ANIME A BAD NAME, its people like u that make anime a weird and crazy messed up thing that is to forever be covered in dust in the back of the movie store, cuz parents dun want their kids to see men doin other men in the ass, AND it ruins existing anime (oh dear god, poor poor eva, wut hav they done to u)

I guess its my fault, i should hav specified.

o well i will now.


In closing my conclusion is: ithaqua = BANE OF MY EXISTANCE

P.s. ithaqua dun take this personaly, i just like fighting, i think of it as training, for when the time comes

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Post by Arigatomina » Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:14 pm

Tidus_F_F_X wrote:Second of all, umm WTF, u ignorant retard u admit to not watching much anime and yet at the same time u say, "how is this giving anime a bad name? Because some of us don't focus on the violent aspects of anime like so many others" ummm HEY jerk-off, ive seen tonsa NON GAY, NON PORN, NON violent anime, love hina, love hina again, ah my goddess, chobits,
Love Hina and Chobits are the only anime you can think of to show that you've seen a lot of non-porn/non-violent anime? Love Hina is the epitome of ecchi anime, maybe not hentai, but certainly filled with more sexual innuendos than half the shonen ai anime around. As for non-violent, there are a lot of non-violent yaoi anime, and many of the anime discussed in this thread - used by yaoi fans for fanwork - are non-violent to begin with. With all the slap-stick comedy and abuse going on in Love Hina, it's a lot more violent than some shonen ai titles I could name for you. Take Card Captor Sakura for instance - hardly a violent anime considering it's namely shoujo featuring little cute kids. But that doesn't stop the shonen ai or the yaoi fans who enjoy watching it.

My point - violence or anime type has nothing to do with it, and if you think someone has to have watched a lot of hetero-male oriented anime in order to be taken seriously, then you need to take a closer look at anime and the idea of 'fanservice' in regards to the intelligence of those sopping it up.
AND ILL TELL U HOW THIS GIVES ANIME A BAD NAME, its people like u that make anime a weird and crazy messed up thing that is to forever be covered in dust in the back of the movie store
Who are you kidding? Maybe in the US, but not in Japan, and not in cultured areas where anime is commonplace. Yami no Matsuei is available in video stores in rural Indiana - out in the bonefied boondocks. If it's all the way out there, I can guarantee it's on the shelves in larger cities where anime shops actually exist. The fact that I can walk into a video rental and get a shonen ai or yaoi anime - here in the sticks - shows that it isn't being hidden. Maybe you aren't looking hard enough. The only reason it isn't as widespread as the het anime is just because there are more het anime, and US buyers tend to target young audiences with the kiddie adventure series like Digimon and Sailormoon (which *also* has yaoi in it, they just switched the genders for the US kiddies so they wouldn't know). If it's hidden here, it's only because of narrowminded liberals - the same people who always move to oppress those who don't conform to their standards. Nothing to brag about there. And that's largest in the US, and has nothing to do with those actually *creating* the anime itself - in Japan.
AND it ruins existing anime (oh dear god, poor poor eva, wut hav they done to u)
What have *who* done to it? The creators? If you don't like what the creator puts into his anime, don't watch it. If you mean fans who take a certain odd relationship and try to explain it using yaoi terms, then read warnings better - you can avoid fanfics and vids if you just make it a habit to look at the warnings before you click.
No point flaming you. ^_^; I'm afraid nothing I say will make you look worse than your own post did.

And good luck with your training, but you might want to take it to another thread. ^.~


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