Fruits Basket ***SPOILERS***

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Fruits Basket ***SPOILERS***

Post by Kagome23 » Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:07 pm

Does anybody know what animal Akito is suppose to be, they say he's suppose to be the chicken but, I just don't see it.

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Post by azulmagia » Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:08 pm

Akito doesn't have the zodiac curse.

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Post by elka » Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:55 pm

Akito's the core, he's got all of the weight of the curse *on* him. He doesn't transform, he just dies slowly. ^^
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Post by Kagome23 » Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:13 am

That's what I thought too, but when I was reading Animerica (don't qoute me on it) they had all the characters next to the animals they were born under and Akito was next to the rooster. So then I guess there's no chicken. Anywho I still love that anime ^_^

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Post by someperson » Thu Apr 15, 2004 11:15 am

stuff get's messed up in magazines all the time. Maybe this should a completely different topic all together but...what did you think of the ending? I hated it.
There was this big huge twist in the plot with kyo in the last three episodes and then there was the ending. I dunno, it was just kind of a let down for me. Don't get me wrong. I thought the series was pretty good, but still.
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Post by elka » Thu Apr 15, 2004 4:29 pm

They never introduced the rooster or the horse or.. uhhh... I can't remember.. in the anime. I am of the firm opinion that a second series needs to exist or else.. Or else, I tell you!

I mean, come on, we need to see Yuki as the class president, and I WANT THE SUMMER VACATION PART ANIMATED..

i mean.. uhh.. uhhh... Tohru needs to meet the rest of the zodiac! Yeah. Okay.
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Post by Kagome23 » Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:53 pm

Who knows maybe they will make a second series, cause like you said they need to show the rooster and the horse, and I want to know who Tohru will decide on who she wants to be with. Yeah, it looks as though she'll stay with Yuki but Kyo should try to be with Tohru even though there's a pig whose in love with him. As for the ending, the thing with Kyo was cool, and you actually get to see the side of Akito that you didn't think would be there and if they made a second series, they would probably have Tohru spend some time with him or something. :mrgreen:

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Post by someperson » Thu Apr 15, 2004 6:49 pm

clearing up previous post:
-Liked the part where kyo changed
-didn't like how the series kind of came to a dead end. It left the show too wide open. I'm used to shows that answer questions.
Ex:Why is the sohma family cursed &
What can be done to get rid of the curse.

I guess what really bugged me was the fact that it seemed like Tohru was going to cure the curse (physically). (playing devils advocate) you could say that she did in a sense. She helped some of the Zodiac members out with their emotional and social problems (those problems were caused by the curse indirectly so you could say she kinda sorta in a sense lifted part of the curse). But still, it would sure make everyone a lot happier if the curse was lifted altogether.

Then there's Tohru's relationships with Yuki and Kyo. Tohru seems to have a better relationship with Yuki but at the same time what about kyo? Tohru is one of the few people that Kyo opens up to.

hmmm... I guess I can see why the series ended where it did. The people responsible for making it probably didn't know where to go with the plot.

maybe if Tohru were cloned...or even better chibi-fied clones. you could have ur own little portable tohru. problem solved
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Post by Karou_ken » Thu Apr 15, 2004 7:05 pm

I love Fruits Basket^_^

I have already seen and own the whole series. But I wish the would of included the other zodiac members like Rin who is the horse. Anyway I still love Fruits Basket.
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Post by elka » Thu Apr 15, 2004 7:14 pm

If I remember right, they've got the curse so that the family line stays pure. Anyway, I agree with someperson. The ending just was like WHAM, look at that!

That's why I'm all about there being a second series or season or whatever. COME ON COME ON, MAKE IT AND MAKE ME HAPPY AND PUT HARU IN IT MORE...

Yes. There is the fangirl in me. Ahah.
blah blah blah.


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