No, it's not longer, because there's only 2 episodes per DVD. The entire series is 6 episodes. And each DVD is $30 retail. Pity, because everything else about the DVDs is done right: the dub job is great, the extras are great, the quality is gorgeous...AaronHill wrote:What they show on CN is that not the whole thing? Your saying it's 3 DVD' that has to be longer then what they've shown. Not to mention what does FLCL stand for? Hahahahahahahahaha...I'm so out of the loop, comics and music is my bag.
As for what FLCL stands for: absolutely nothing, though they make a lot of guesses in the next episode preview at the end of episode 5, but they go by really fast and are therefore hard to see, so Synch-Point includes a list of all of them in the booklet that comes with the 3rd DVD.