Inuyasha and Kagome are supposedly to b together and I am really thinking that there would a connection again like the 2nd movie.

J-0080 wrote:They need relasionship counsouling.
Kagome and Inuyasha are by far the WORST anime couple ever. They are not meant for each other. They really do need counseling. Constant fighting and beckering is awful and a sign of wrongness. I can't name any anime couple worse than this.Inuyashas_Lil_Gurl wrote:I think that they are a good couple because Inuyasha is VERY proective of her and vise versa.
Inuyasha and Kagome are supposedly to b together and I am really thinking that there would a connection again like the 2nd movie.
It is possible that Inuyasha and Kagome will be like that in the fourth movie. Probably not. could happen.