anime vs western tv

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anime vs western tv

Post by bum » Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:22 pm

(note: i just wrote and posted this same thread on another forum. thought it would be appropriat here as well.)

it seems that most of the crap on tv in australia (and most of the western world probably) is something that a 5year old kid would be satisfied and fullfilled with as much as a 40yaer old man. stuff on tv is just crap theys days, storyies/idea's are basic and repered to the point of being overused thats beyong whats called a cliche and is more like a cancer. reality tv, cop/detective shows, action stuff like dark angel, and the rest of the crap on tv. is seams like all the stuff we see on tv is designed to be easlily understodd, by a kindergarden child. and im sure that a kindergarden child wouldnt have any problem easily understanding something like law and order (and after watching a few epps they could probaly figure out the plot twists and endings after the first ten minutes).

on the other hand, im buying and watching alot of anime theys days, and well, most western tv is saturday disney compared to alot of anime. the thing abuot it is that anime tries to make you think, it forces to to delve deep into a show, to think about it, about the story, its moral, about symbolism and about its reflection on life. it chalenges you, it forces you to feel emotion, to step in the show's of the main character. its like something you feel, not just see and hear, something thats constantly wraping itself around you. anime in general is mature, its something that you'l watch, think about and then watch again and again till your satisfied that you've found the answers. alot of anime ive watched stays with me and i end up thinking about it in the most random of times.

now iom not saying that all western tv is bad, or that all anime is maturea and complex. but generaly i find that anime is alot more fullfiling and satisfying than western tv.

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Post by Otohiko » Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:28 pm

I haven't watched commercial TV in 2.5 years now (I still watch news and settle in for a PBS documentary every once in a while). I can't say I miss it. Anime, on the other hand, I do enjoy every once in a while.

I suppose that answers as to what I think about the quality of TV these days :roll:
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Post by Moonlight Soldier » Fri Jun 04, 2004 2:38 pm

I think I stopped watching 'Western T.V' sometime in high school. I never really noticed it until people were discussion t.v shows and I couldn't comment. Meh.

I have no interest in 'Reality T.V' and can't get hooked watching more intelligent shows either. If I'm watching t.v I'm watching my anime dvds or checking out movies with friends.

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Post by Deadly NightShade » Fri Jun 04, 2004 2:43 pm

The major problem with western television at this point is that the programs are really just a break between the commercials. Unfortunately they aren't a stimulating or enjoyable break at all.
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Post by Kracus » Fri Jun 04, 2004 2:51 pm

I watch Angel (watched actually, glad it ended), Charmed and Smallville. Sometimes Conan and I like chappelle show.

Japanese humor isn't always funny and I still find American humor funnier.

Not all anime is made for adults, alot of it is made for 5 year olds.

I'm currently watching the old X-men cartoons and Gargoyles. I'm awaiting Family Guy to come back on TV and I have the first Vol on DVD.

The majority of anime, I do not believe make you delve deep and think. There are a few here and there. Most are very aparent and easy to pick out after a few episode (going along with your example of law and order). Also, even if they do make you think, what they are trying to make you think about isn't really that 'deep' or meaningful.

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Post by DDramone » Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:05 pm

was never big on tv, but i like that one show, berney mac

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Post by EvaXephon » Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:34 pm


Well, in WWII, when Japan was bombed, they lost a lot of their theaters and films, so they had to watch american films. Western films greatly influenced anime in this way, since future anime directors grew up watching cowboy films.
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Post by The_Collection » Fri Jun 04, 2004 3:52 pm

i normally watch scar tactices on the sci-fi channel thats about it. but as far as anime being effected by western movies i dont know. there was only one thing in the usa that i know of that started the big eye theme in anime.
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Post by someperson » Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:14 pm

Not a real big fan of western tv shows. I despise Mtv (for they're reality show dominated schedule and lack of quality music videos)
Everything else on tv just seems horribly boring. I watch Touching Evil a bit. It's not too bad but I still prefer anime to it.
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Post by Charizard305 » Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:00 pm

someperson wrote:Everything else on tv just seems horribly boring.
Everything elce on T.V. IS Boring, or the same program that played before it, but with different Actors.
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