Personally, I like his character and who he was.Cloud Clone wrote:Alright G-man, I'm gonna give you a quote from someone I don't even know, but with whom I agree with completely, minus all the swearing.That's my take on it completely.CrackPr0n-EET- wrote:Yes, people like Sephiroth because he's "Bad ass". WHy is he bad ass? He had a large sword, and he has long hair... and he's middle aged? You don't even care about the fucking character, it's only because of what he looks like. Despite his terrible personality, and his terrible character, you like him. You can't explain why you like him... because every response I've EVER gotten about why they like his was a pile of shit. "OH HE'S SO EVIL HE BURNED A VILLAGE DOWN!" SO FUCKING WHAT. That is small shit. Golbez burned a fucking village down to. Golbez manipulated your best fucking friend to kidnap your girlfriend, kick your ass, amongst a number of other shit. Kefka poisoned a village, killed his Emperor, killed HUNDREDS of espers, KILLED MILLIONS OF FUCKING PEOPLE, completely erradicated the face of the planet, destroyed every person that got in his way minus the heroes who finally killed him.
He was so destruction-like. Loved chaos. The whole burning villiage thing, I loved every moment of it. I enjoyed the fact that he left a fucking blade sticking in the back of president Shinra. The fact that he takes his mom around with him and makes her beat up bullies is kinda strange, but it's not so bad. You can tell from the way he yanks that thing out in that one AMV, where Jenova is. He's smart. He's really fucking cool. I mean, floating out of the floor in the Temple of the Ancients.. that rocks. One of these days, I want to be just like Sephiroth.
Not to mention..
He has my sword. (Masamune.) He casts some of my favorite magic, too. The guy's just hella sweet.