Anyone else not like Inuyasha?

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Anyone else not like Inuyasha?

Post by Bulghod » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:09 am

I ask this because i've heard so many people online talk about how much they like Inuyasha, and all the small things about the show. I proudly say i don't like Inuyasha, and i want to know who's with me and why.

I don't like the show because of how long it is, how unoriginal it is, how they've been able to stretch the show into i don't know how many episodes, and the fandom surrounding it.

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Sentient Satire
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Post by Sentient Satire » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:48 am

Well, I certainly don't follow the serial, but it is decent.

Disclaimer- All IMHO:
From what I notice, the overall quality of animation isn't anything to write home about, but for such a long production length, expected.
Some of the characters I found very likable.
Unoriginal?... Yeah much of it had been done before, BUT from a puritanical standpoint, you'd be hard pressed to find many anime nowadays that is 100% original. Even heavily lauded shows like Eva or Full Metal Panic, borrowed elements/ideas from predecessors (some of these preds may not be available in America or Europe).
Bulghod wrote:and the fandom surrounding it.
I'm not one to let the fandom associated with a title influence me.
A valid reason for you I'm sure, but please elaborate exactly.


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Post by post-it » Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:51 am

. The Fandom comes from other works like Ranma½ and I'm for Sango, but
against the series itself.. Right from the start of this series
I couldn't figure-out why soo many things were taking soo long to develope!
. `me thinks this series is being kept alive - by pure hipe'

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Post by Unpronounceable_Symbol » Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:46 am

In the second episode, when the shikon no tama thing they were all trying to chase down shattered into a million pieces, I held my head in my hands and gave up on trying to watch it.
Collect one shiny ball and keep it safe = manageable show.
Collect a trillion tiny tiny shards of glass = really really long.

I've only seen four episodes beyond that, so I don't know how good it is as it continues, but the first few episodes seemed promising.

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Post by Chow_the_cow » Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:46 am

I personally don't like it, although I did manage to watch the entire show(no clue why...) It is extremly repetivite (more then DBZ in my opinion :shock:) and the show never went anywhere and of course
Spoiler wrote:they ended the show in the middle of the story and decided to let people read the manga instead... or hold up hope and create mass rumors about a OVA series

In the end, the power of the fangirl will always win, and cause shows such as this to both exist and last as long as they can.

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Re: Anyone else not like Inuyasha?

Post by bum » Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:05 am

Bulghod wrote:I ask this because i've heard so many people online talk about how much they like Inuyasha, and all the small things about the show. I proudly say i don't like Inuyasha, and i want to know who's with me and why.

I don't like the show because of how long it is, how unoriginal it is, how they've been able to stretch the show into i don't know how many episodes, and the fandom surrounding it.
something phade said once, i remember someone quoting it in thier sig, if you've got nothing to say then shut the [Expletive removed.] up

[paizuri: Thread locked because it's pointless. There are any number of reasons to not like a show, but a thread like this will just lead to a bunch of fans and non-fans arguing over it.]


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