by Knowname » Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:21 am
What type of animes do you hate?? I personally hate Action animes (Chrno Crusade) and animes that are so slow they're pretty much pointless (Chobits, though I can stand chobits, and Full Metal Alchemist). I suggest animes like Full Metal Panic and the soon to be released in NA (it's MADE of coarse), FMP: Fumoffu, it's pretty straight forward, never strays from it's goal just sticks to the very strong plot. Beware Fumoffu really HAS no plot. It's like Cowboy Bebop only less plot bareley. I also suggest Ai Yori Aioshi (romantic comedy, the thinking man's love hina!) but not Enishi, it's sequal, unless you like the romance romance romance. Also if you download I suggest you find the 12 ep. DearS, it's like Chobits only never 'strays' into dark dramatic territory, it's also a bit faster. Than again, I just don't like to look into a billion things.