Naruto Goes To Toonami

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Tsunami Jones
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Post by Tsunami Jones » Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:21 pm

BlueDragonGirl1 wrote:Hey! At least they are not putting it up on the FoxBox. :x
Yeah, then their knives might be replaced by candybars :o

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Post by BlueDragonGirl1 » Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:41 pm

Tsunami Jones wrote:
BlueDragonGirl1 wrote:Hey! At least they are not putting it up on the FoxBox. :x
Yeah, then their knives might be replaced by candybars :o
Haha! You're right! And anyways, all of the characters on the shows that air on the FoxBox sound like they are played by the same people. Toonami at least has a little variety.
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Post by Castor Troy » Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:19 pm

BlueDragonGirl1 wrote:
Tsunami Jones wrote:
BlueDragonGirl1 wrote:Hey! At least they are not putting it up on the FoxBox. :x
Yeah, then their knives might be replaced by candybars :o
Haha! You're right! And anyways, all of the characters on the shows that air on the FoxBox sound like they are played by the same people. Toonami at least has a little variety.
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Post by Rurounikeitaro » Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:24 pm

LittleKefalos wrote:They can not ruin Naruto. If you're tired of the show take a break, you don't have to watch every episode 20 times. The only bad thing about Naruto is the filler episodes--i.e. because it's is so popular in Japan they can barely skip a week, so sometimes they've slowed down in order to allow the manga artist a chance to move ahead (time will tell when they catch up)
A true Naruto fan would know that they are actually trying to make the anime catch up to the manga because people in Japan are angry that the anime is so far back.

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Post by LittleKefalos » Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:59 pm

Rurounikeitaro said
A true Naruto fan would know that they are actually trying to make the anime catch up to the manga because people in Japan are angry that the anime is so far back.

Research before you speak

Ok you know you might be right (I really don't know what the people in Japan want). However, if I am wrong then why do they add all these filler episodes that are not in the manga and generally are subpar compared with the series (they didn't do this too much at the beginning). If the anime catches up with the manga then the story will have to split from what's occuring in the manga because each episode is more than one weeks worth of manga (generally). In my opinion, since the story line is so good this would lower the quality of the anime. After all the story lines which did depart from the anime were not as good (they seemed forced).

I suppose that my lack of research into the mindset of the Japanese people (who all obviously think the same way :wink: ) makes me less of a Naruto fan then one who actually has read all the manga and seen all the anime up until now.

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Post by Suicide Guy » Fri Feb 18, 2005 6:14 pm

I have seen all the manga and anime of Naruto up to now (ep.122). In my opinion I think Naruto will still be a good anime as long as they don't screw up the character's voices :cry: . I am kind of glad it's coming to America because now I will get the chance to buy it on DVD when it comes out.
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Post by Raziel13 » Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:30 pm

Just be glad the Fox Box, or whatever it's being called this week, didn't get a hold of it.

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Post by Unlimited Rice » Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:34 pm

Raziel13 wrote:Just be glad the Fox Box, or whatever it's being called this week, didn't get a hold of it.
aren't they called 4KIDS TV now? :?

well anyways.. it's unfortunate that I don't have CN to be able to watch the naruto dub...

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Post by Nandez » Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:00 pm

Its not just how they'll run it forever since Toonami comes on like what once a week.Naruto the anime can't be cut to bad because The Anime isn't half as bloody as the manga but one of the worst parts will be is dubbing it,Toonami have done a few ok Jobs in dubbing it but they have always screwed up on it to.
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Post by Unlimited Rice » Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:56 pm

toonami doesn't do the dubbing..


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