by Solaria735 » Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:01 pm
Whew, it's nice having Otohiko around, as I don't have to go into a linguistics rant and type all that up. ^-^ (I'm also a linguistics major.)
I'd like to add, that just as the r/l are pretty interchangeable (usually the sound that is actually produced is somewhere between the standard (American) pronunciation of /r/ and /l/), so are the /s/ and /th/. /th/, a dental fricative, doesn't really exist in the Japanese sound system, so the closest they can get is /s/, an alveolar fricative. So when names are spelled with a /th/, they are usually prounounced with an /s/ in Japanese.
This is the same reason for the debate over the Aeris/Aerith spelling. Her name was intended to be Aerith, but translated over as Aeris in the English version.