by Righteous_Pugs » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:42 am
me and my friends are in the process of making a series, it wasn't originally mean't to be anime, but that is the way our artist loves to draw. So we don't have much of a choice. I'm about to do my first vid, i've got the anime I want to use, but I've been having some trouble with the music. While looking at the anime vids on this site i discovered that very few people use slow paced songs. So i was wandering if thats just not done, or if people have tried to do so and failed miserably.
"Yet to those who recieved in him, to those who believed in his name. HE gave the right to become children of god. Children born not of natrural desent, nor a humans decision, or a husbands will. But born of GOD."- John 1 12-13