Anime as Culture Assimilation - please help with interviews.

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Post by Kerydwenn » Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:53 am

[Note: When I cite an anime, I'll give the titles in English or Japanese mostly. The French titles probably won't ring any bell]

How old are you?
I'll be 26 in August.

What is your yearly income?
Too little, but I work part-time only with a salary (the rest of the time I can't be paid yet), and with very nice compensations, such as our small business paying the rent and bills.

How old you were when you first saw anime? Which were your first impressions?
It's hard to remember, probably 6 or so, as at the time some anime such as Captain Harlock were on TV in my country. I however remember very clearly my parents getting me the Queen Millenium tape when I was 7. none of us knew it was anime by then, but I used to already like it, even if not understanding much. I think that from this point on, I've always preferred the anime shown on TV, rather than the "cartoons".

How it evolved? What do you see today?
My first phase of anime was triggered by what was on TV, which was varied enough; among other things, Captain Harlock, Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball Z and City Hunter (we had a certain variety, our TV channels were buying whatever they could find, which sometimes came with problems).

When I was 14-15, a friend of mine got a few issues of a fanzine named "Namida", which author was writing about less known anime and manga, such as the works of the Clamp studio (Note: this was in 1994/1995, France was still pretty poor regarding manga and having *lots* of anime; now we have way more, but at the time, whatever yow wanted, you needed to go to Paris to get it, or import it). My horizon expanded from this point on, although I've always been more "manga" than "anime" (cheaper to get and easier to carry and "see", too). I'll usually watch more "serious" anime, or "fun/action" ones (give me a City Hunter or a GTO whenever :)); these don't necessarily need to be brand new; as shown here, I can have my fun with older anime as long as they're itneresting. Usually I don't remain narrowed on one genre, I can watch something very "shojou" one day if the story looks interesting to me (yeah, I've watched the whole Utena series...), then the next day I'll put a more action-oriented series in the DVD player. I go by the very simple road of "if the summary looks interesting and/or my friends have seen it, can tell me what it's about and it also looks interesting, I'll try to give it a shot".

Any favorites? Anime, directors, studios, manga... and why are they your favorites?

Current favorites (because my tastes evidently changed with time, even if still remaining wide): City Hunter, Samurai 7, Trigun, FMA, some Gainax productions (Nadia and Evangelion namely, except that I dwindled out of Eva for a time after a few encounters with drooling fangirls who left me all ashamed about my own genre) ... I usually like the works of Studio Ghibli a lot, and anime in which ABE Yoshitoshi has taken part tend to catch my fancy as well, even if sometimes leaving me with a "what was that?" feeling.

Regarding manga, I definitely swear by HOJO Tsukasa (City Hunter, Angel Heart, F-Compo...), Meitantei Conan, GTO, and I also appreciate a lot the works of URASAWA Naoki (Monster, 20th Century Boys...). I keep a stash of other kinds of manga as well, lots of Clamp, my collection of Kenshin, and a few series by WATASE Yuu, but they're not my favorites, and I read them less often.

When and how did you find the .org?
Sometime in March or April 2002, I don't exactly remember if I signed up straight after having found it, or if I waited a little. At the time, I was gathering AMVs by studio to put them on CD, and I probably found a link to the org on one of these studios' sites. Perhaps Aluminium or Kusoyaro, I'm not sure.

Do you edit?
Yes, and I'm eager to start on my next vid, as soon as I get the DVDs for it.

If you do, what do you use for editing (hardware/software) and how do you obtain your footage?
Currently using Premiere Pro 1.0 and Paint Shop Pro 9 for any image manipulations, as well as a bunch of free small software such as VirtualDubMod. These I consider my "basic tools" (and the ones I have license for, I plan on getting After Effects someday when I can afford it). I also rip my own DVDs, I just couldn't "regress" to compressed downloaded sources, it just feels too wrong. Like using a crappy cheap brush that will leave hair in my paint, when I could do much better and more pleasant work with a good brush ;)

Which non-anime shows or movies do you like? Why do you think they’re good?
Old Babylon 5 nerdy fan here :D I also have a soft spot for the first Star Wars movies (ep. 5 notably). Another show I absolutely dig out is a parody amateur show from France called "Damned" and "Damned: Next", but I bet it's mainly because they use many of the cheesy effects/themes that I know as an old RP gamer, so it's like tons of private jokes for me.

How do you see american animation compared to japanese animation?
Hard to tell, because I don't watch much American animation, and although we've had some shows on TV here, I've never really cared about making the difference between American and French ones. I also don't have TV, so I'm lost regarding what's been broadcast in the past few years. From what I remember, though, I've always found anime to be of better quality, more varied and more enjoyable. The only real exceptions to me being Daria and South Park, because these I really find special and fun for me (a.k.a. not great on animation.

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Post by EmilLang1000 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:26 pm

How old are you?

What is your yearly income?
Less than 1000 (college student with a summer yardworking job)

How old you were when you first saw anime? Which were your first impressions?
I first watched anime when I was a little kid; I watched The Noozles on Nickolodeon, along with Maya the Bee and Grimm's Fairy Tales. After I was about 6 or so, they stopped playing them on TV, though. Around 8, I started watching Speed Racer on Cartoon Network, followed thereafter by the ultra-cool G-Force. Together, those shows were my favorites up until I was about 11 years old, when they went off the air (At this point, I need to make a note that I never realized that these shows were Japanese in origin; I thought they were American, like the other shows I'd seen). At 12, I first saw Dragonball Z. This was the one reason I looked forward to getting up at 7:00 on a Sunday morning to go to church. Once again, the thought didn't really occur to me that it was Japanese. Finally, when I was 13, Toonami came on the air, and shortly thereafter, it featured the show that got me completely hooked: Robotech. It was amazing; the show was complex - it had both funny and serious moments, and even though it was a cartoon, I could tell it was okay for a teen to be watching it, especially after several of the main characters died, not "got sent to another dimension" like in DBZ or something absurd like that, THEY ACTUALLY DIED.

How it evolved? What do you see today?
I still prefer Animes made from the late 80s to the late 90s. To me, they're the cream of crop, the absolute best; Ranma, Evangelion, Slayers, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, most of the major names you hear when listing the most amazing, well-written, and produced anime, as well as the most popular Animes STILL, were made from about 1985 to 2000. There seems to be a lack now of original, A-list animes, whereas it seems that they were coming out constantly back then. However, there are a few that have redeemed Anime's integrity, but they're the rose amongst the thorns: Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai Champloo, and Naruto are the main three; there are a few others, but still, the bulk of them seem to be missing that spark that those other animes recently-classic animes have.

Any favorites? Anime, directors, studios, manga... and why are they your favorites?
Directors? The almighty gods of Anime: Osamu Tezuka, Katsuhiro Otomo, and, of course, the Japanese Spielberg, Hayao Miyazaki.
My favorite Animes are Robotech, Ranma 1/2, Dragonball Z (up through the Cell Saga), Evangelion, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Bebop, Tenchi, Kenshin the typical, mainstream ones that you always hear guys list, along with a bunch of others that are just amazing for one reason or another, usually for their story.
I usually prefer the Manga, though, especially in the case of Evangelion (my personal choice for Best Manga); Ranma is another that is funnier from time to time in the comics, though that doesn't mean that the show still isn't the best comedy Anime out there.
My favorite author is Rumiko Takahashi, though Cain Kuga (Cowboy Bebop: Shooting Star), Akira Toriyama, and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Evangelion), are also some of my favorites, due mostly to their distinctive and amazing Character designs.

When and how did you find the .org?
I originally found it in May 2004 after using a Google Search, and joined after about 3 visits. I forgot that I had signed up for it, though, until my friend Jeff (aka Merm on this site) talked me into "joining;" after finding out that EmilLang1000 was already taken, I typed in my name, EmilLang1000, and typed in the password I always use with the name, and Bada-Bing, I found out i'd actually been a member longer than him.

Do you edit? If you do, what do you use for editing (hardware/software) and how do you obtain your footage?
Yes. I'm a film student, and I love music videos, so I can't help myself. I used to use Window's Movie Maker, thuogh recently I moved to Adobe Photoshop. I would use Final Cut Pro, but I don't own a Mac :P
I only use raw Japanese footage or Dubbed footage, never subbed. I usually rip the footage from a DVD (bob's you uncle) or download it from one Shareware program or another.

Which non-anime shows or movies do you like? Why do you think they’re good?
Schindler's List, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man, X-Men; I usually like a film for its writing, not its special effects or the quality of the footage (I'm a screenwriting-emphasis film student). I also like Family Guy and the Simpsons for comedy shows, as well as a bunch of British comedies, esp. Monty Python. My favorite dramatic TV show is the X-Files. Typically, I like movies and shows that put fairly normal people, with maybe one or two significant traits, in severely abnormal, even fantastic, situations.

How do you see american animation compared to japanese animation?
If you're refering to more mature-themed shows, then often, they're just as good: Batman Beyond, Justice League, and Family Guy for instance. Anime has a more pleasing look, often, especially for making the characters look more realistic; thus, when a show nowadays wants to be realistic, or more serious, they often turn to a directly Anime style, or an anime-influenced style (Batman). However, I do notice the glaring lack of quality of animation in most Animes. There are those few that have incredible aniamtion, like Paranoia Agent, but for the most part, the best, smoothest animation is reserved for movies only. Not that this isn't the case in America, but at least TV shows in America are done in an animation style called Two's (that means for every picture drawn, it's recorded on two frames of film out of the 30 frames per second in Television format - film uses 24 fps). Most anime TV shows, though, are made in three's (same idea as two's, but the picture is applied to 3 frames, not two). Because the viewer is only seeing 10 images a second, instead of 15, most anime TV shows still seem choppier than their American counterparts; both Americans and Japanese, however, use a mix One's (one picture, one frame) and two's for movies, though, so they do appear equally as crisp and vivid (Disney is the acception, because they're so anal the ENTIRE movie is done in One's... pitty those animators).
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Post by Zero » Wed Jun 01, 2005 6:42 pm

How old are you?
17, 18 on 6/11

What is your yearly income?
About $100,000 (Damn, I feel like the rich boy again)

How old you were when you first saw anime? Which were your first impressions?
10. Man, this is really cool stuff. I want more.

How it evolved? What do you see today?
Anime has become more computerized, tons more is available and it slowly is making a mainstream effect on society.

Any favorites? Anime, directors, studios, manga... and why are they your favorites?
Gundam. Tomino (SP!). Mechs, war, hell, psychics, co-ordinators. In other words, alot of stuff I like.

When and how did you find the .org?
*Shrugs* I can't remember excactly.

Do you edit?

If you do, what do you use for editing (hardware/software) and how do you obtain your footage?
Quad-Processor (Physical) high end workstation using Premiere Pro 1.5, After Effects 6.5 Pro and a Mac loaded with Final Cut Pro. DVD-Rip.

Which non-anime shows or movies do you like? Why do you think they’re good?
Star Wars. I'm a fantasy buff. Comedy is also good, usualy Monty Python is a favorite. Other wise, my other entertainment form has to be video games.

How do you see american animation compared to japanese animation?
No comparison. Anime is more than just slapstick comedy (Clone wars and some other exceptions fit here though) and can go much further into pornagraphy and extreme graphic violence.

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Post by emopunk1 » Wed Jun 01, 2005 9:40 pm

-How old are you?
About 20

-What is your yearly income?
About $1000 (summer and winter jobs)

-How old you were when you first saw anime? Which were your first impressions?
I just started in Jr. High, so about 12. I thought it was cool with all the blood and sci-fi stuff, but nudity made it even better

-How it evolved? What do you see today?
My tastes have matured (slightly), but I still like the ecchi/fanservice type anime, but I also like anime that makes people think and leaves an impression on them.

I mostly watch anime from mid 1990s to about 2003 (I haven't seen newer stuff like Full Metal Alchamist or Naruto)

-Any favorites? Anime, directors, studios, manga... and why are they your favorites?
Evangelion,Hand Maid May, Love Hina, GTO, FLCL. I like them because they're entertaining and left an impression on me when I first saw them.

-When and how did you find the .org?
I just remember finding it though a Yahoo websearch after my friend gave me a bunch of amvs he downloaded and put on a vhs tape.

-Do you edit?
Not as often as I would like to,but yes

-If you do, what do you use for editing (hardware/software) and how do you obtain your footage?
Originally, I used some freeware to edit, but now its Premiere Pro, VDubMod and the amv app on my Dell Dimension 4600. I get my footage by ripping from the dvds I have.

-Which non-anime shows or movies do you like? Why do you think they’re good?
Family Guy, Eek The Cat, Freak-A-Zoid,because they didn't follow a kid friendly formula or try to use senseless plots or assimilate with American Pop Culture like the Simpsons.

-How do you see american animation compared to japanese animation?
I feel like it is usually geared towards younger children and often use the same formula to tell a story, because it is from Hollywood.
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Re: Anime as Culture Assimilation - please help with intervi

Post by peaches11 » Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:22 am

How old are you?

What is your yearly income?
N/A still a student >_<

How old you were when you first saw anime?
I'd say around 13

Which were your first impressions?
I first saw Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z (lol), and Akira was introduced a little later. My first impressions were simply that it was something on that was more interesting than other cartoons.

How it evolved? What do you see today?
It wasn't till around the time I saw Cowboy aBebop on Cartoon Network that I was anywhere near serious. About age 16 I became quite serious after watching FLCL and realizing some depth to it. Today I am quite into fansubs (ashamedly, most series aren't out here. Plus I'm poor). I tend to watch sci-fi and samurai, anything with more thought out there than average TV.

Any favorites? Anime, directors, studios, manga... and why are they your favorites?
I am a very big fan of Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist, and FLCL. I find all of them to haev very immersive worlds, interesting characters, and most importantly they all have some sort of insight in them; I won't go into details for shortness sake.
I am a big fan of Shirow Masamune; Ghost in the Shell deals with a subject I'm fascinated with and I like his art style and ideas.

When and how did you find the .org?
very recently, friend

Do you edit?
sadly no

If you do, what do you use for editing (hardware/software) and how do you obtain your footage?

Which non-anime shows or movies do you like? Why do you think they’re good?
I enjoy foreign films a lot, one thing that live action usually conveys better is romantic drama. I really enjoy something that I can dig into, recently one of my favorites was Hero. I also remember being entranced by Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon; I suppose I'm drawn towards the ideals within martial arts and the differences in Asian culture to ours. I tend to enjoy foreign things more because I find there to be too many negative things in this country's media, so I usually don't pay attention to it. Though I will admit to being a fan of cheese and liking Star Wars.

How do you see american animation compared to japanese
I find that the feeling of animation being for kids is far too common, very few things have any substance to them. Artstyling is probably the bbiggest problem, there are simply very few art styles that truly are different. Also, the main focus is almost always on slapstick or other various forms of comedy. There just seems to be a lack of will to put depth into animation; I do watch Family Guy and Futurama on occasion though, it's not like it's all bad. But you won't find something like Lain in American animation

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Post by someperson » Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:14 am

How old are you?
What is your yearly income?
$5000 give or take

How old you were when you first saw anime? Which were your first impressions?
First good impression (with basic knowledge of what anime was) was Cowboy Bebop, summer of 2002. 14 y/o

How it evolved? What do you see today?
I watched a bit of DBZ because of the action but got tired of it when the fight scenes dragged and the dub became to much cheese for me to handle. But I came across a Bebop marathon one night and realized that anime wasn't as bad as I had assumed.

Any favorites? Anime, directors, studios, manga... and why are they your favorites?
Anime: Texhnolyze, RahXephon, Cowboy Bebop, Boogiepop Phantom, Samurai Champloo
Thought provoking and sometimes headache invoking anime (referring to Texhnolyze and Boogiepop Phantom)

Director: Shinichiro Watanabe, directed some of my favorite anime.

Madhouse and BONES for animation studios because I've enjoyed a lot of their tites.

Blade of the Immortal-Wonderful artwork and intriguing story
Planetes-Interesting philosphical views
Gravitation-Good humor, likeable characters, and moving love story if you don't mind homosexuality

When and how did you find the .org?
summer 2003 on a random google search

Do you edit?
Less than I like, I have more time on my hands now that it's summer.

If you do, what do you use for editing (hardware/software) and how do you obtain your footage?
I'm currently in the process of experiment with Adobe Premiere Pro 7, Adobe Affter Effects, and Virtual Dub. I used to get footage through analogue capture but I recently learned how to rip footage from DVDs.

Which non-anime shows or movies do you like? Why do you think they’re good?
Shows: Touching Evil, when it was still airing, (it seemed to have a slightly different take on the crime drama genre) and the Adult Swim Comedy block (good humor) for shows.

Moives: Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail, Spaceballs, Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Just because they’re older movies doesn’t mean that they aren’t still funny.

How do you see american animation compared to japanese animation?
Most American animation is either geared towards a younger viewing audience or it’s a comedy aimed at more mature viewers. Not that that’s a bad thing.
Japanese animation seems to appeal to wider variety of audiences. There are more genres in anime.
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