Yuri Revolution!

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Post by yuppa » Fri May 20, 2005 7:54 am

they need to change it and make him a tranny.. which in effect he is. hes just flat chested. LOL well i think hes...ugh.. from now on i refer to Suuichi as a girl. Well the pink haired trannny suuchi is VERy girlish. i think a girl does his voice too!! :shock:
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Post by Bulghod » Fri May 20, 2005 7:21 pm

devilmaykickass wrote:But eh, I don't mind shoujo-ai...but I dislike shonen-ai that's almost always made up of pretty boys. I really want a yaoi/shonen ai series where the guys are manly men and aren't girly bishis...oh well.
Kizuna: Bonds of Love

Yakuza muscely man yaoi. god damn it's a nice change, so is Legend of Blue Wolves (freaky-ass shit in that one), Ai No Kusabi, and My Sexual Harassment, although that one will never let you look at a certain items the same way again (i didn't know he could down the whole bottle like THAT)
thank you aarinfantasy

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Yuki Kedamono
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Post by Yuki Kedamono » Fri May 20, 2005 7:30 pm

i love gravitation.. but what's that got to do with yuri? i've never been much of any fan for yuri... now yaoi on the other hand... ^_^
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Post by Arigatomina » Fri May 20, 2005 9:47 pm

Ah, as far as I've found, yuri has an inherent advantage in the anime world. It appeals to straight men and bi-or-homosexual women. Yaoi only appeals to a limited minority of straight women, and even fewer homosexual men (due to the effeminate bishie trends already brought up in this thread).

Want proof? Just go to a hentai website, or better yet, rent some "straight men" porn. You'll see as much girl on girl as you do the het stuff. Anime isn't any different when it's aimed at pleasing the male libido. The fact that a faction of females also like yuri just adds more weight to the movement.

Fanwork wise - this is a matter of supply and demand. There's lots of yuri and shoujo ai anime out there (yuri in almost any hentai anime, shoujo ai in almost any shoujo anime). Less need for yuri fanworks to satisfy the demand from yuri fans. But there are still *huge* collections of art and fanvids of lesbian anime girls on the hentai sites, it's just mixed right in with the het stuff. Sure, you might see lots of yaoi fanwork, but that's only because it gets separated from the "hentai" category and fans have to push it as a 'movement' of its own. Yuri can easily slip right into any hentai fandom with only a few girls wrinkling their noses in dismay. The two fandoms are not the same.

/glad to hear yuri-con's still active, all's right with the world

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Post by Tainted_Eden » Sat May 21, 2005 11:15 pm

Arigatomina wrote:"insert what's said abobe"
Hm.... Now that you point that out, perhaps yuri will overrun yaoi 'n at. Oo;
Jebadia wrote:My god, there's currently no picture in my arsenal to sum up how retarded your posts are.

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Post by Kitty-TheGreatAndCuddly » Sun May 22, 2005 11:27 am

you know whats really scary.... that dude off peace maker o.o''

if you saw the show you would know who i speak of.... and there are like only two gurlz in the first two-three DVD's ... and when there are gurlz... THEY BE LITTLE AND ADORABLE!!! *glomples*

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Post by Yuki Kedamono » Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:44 am

well stats may say one thing... but i look at the outcome of yuri and the outcome of yaoi... and i actually see more things going on with yaoi, than yuri. i'm not saying this cause I'M always having something to do with it... it's just from what i've seen and heard and such. I actually see more people with yaoi... but that's just me... maybe i'm missing the other half of the worlds population... ^_^
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