Actually, I think there is a bit of miscommunication going on here.
Dylan's forcelance, you have a good point being made, but it is getting confused amidst the context of this thread.
You claim that you like moral values in your anime, and that's good. It's the notion that good things can happen to good people and those who do bad will have bad done to them. Just like karma.
However, because this thread is on religion in anime, when you refer to "moral values", people assume you are referring to "Christian values" and ONLY Christian values. Not to say that they are bad values, not in the least! Love thy neighbor, thou shalt not steal, and so on.
Basically, by good moral anime, you're talking about stuff that promotes good traits in people, REGARDLESS of religion.
Counterpointing this is the anime that have little to no redeeming value in their characters. Granted, these are few and far in between, but for those that enjoy a good anti-hero, or where things do not end happily ever after, there is an anime for them as well.
One that comes to mind is the Go Nagai series Devil Man and the sequel Violence Jack. Using over the top shock and awe sex and gore, Go Nagai got quite a razzing from the Japanese PTA for the true gruesomness in his stories, especially those. I remember a friend showing me the Devil Man OAV from Manga Entertainment, and they had this club/orgy thing going on where the host was trying to bait demons with the sin of the party goers. If the debauchery was powerful enough, then the demons would infest the human hosts, and all hell would cut loose. It worked... almost too well, and the episodes were not pretty to say the least.
Furthermore, if you know how the story ends and how it goes from Devil Man to Violence Jack, then you can see how this can be deep, dark, and maybe depressing stuff with little moral value that can be taken away from it, if any.
No moral value, but still entertainment, and for some people, it's just what they were looking for!
Go Nagai is not a bad person to say the least! He's made history with some of the anime and manga he did back in the 1970's, and still does the odd job here and there today! I even believe he was called to help with the Gekigangar 3 segments of Nadesico, because who would know 70's robot anime better than him?
The point is,
Kalium, is that if you want wanton destruction and violence in your anime, you can have that! If you want deep thought provoking stories of science fiction that make you wonder about politics, life, death, the enviornment, and yes, even religion, then there's an anime for you. If you want an anime to watch with your little brother or sister, then there's bound to be one for you. If you want action, romance, comedy... you get the idea!
So hopefully that dispels the confusion. Morality and religion are NOT one and the same. Many religions follow the same basic principles! Buddhism and Christianity both have high belief in an after-life, and that what you do now in the present with have a karmic reflection later down the road. Also, standards of what is acceptable and what isn't changes from culture to culture. Christians in the USA may look at Japanese Christians and notice the different lifestyles between them because regardless, there are still large cultural differences between the two. I believe one traditional Japanese holiday revolves around the harvest (either planting or gathering) where they give offerings to local deities or attend prayers at shrines more out of tradition instead of beliefs. (It's during this time that those popular goldfish scoop games appear)
On the flipside of the coin, there's Christmas in Japan. Less of a religious holiday and more of a great time for sales and commercial marketing. The argument can go for the USA as well!
But anyway, that's more ranting and tangenting, and I think I made my point. Hope that helps.