Princess Nine. Takasugi (voiced by Koyasu Takehito) at the plate, facing "Ganmo-chan" on the Mound. (OtakuMan22's comment is what gave me the idea to post this quote!)Kusoyaro wrote:Princess Nine?
Your thread, Kusoyaro!
Princess Nine. Takasugi (voiced by Koyasu Takehito) at the plate, facing "Ganmo-chan" on the Mound. (OtakuMan22's comment is what gave me the idea to post this quote!)Kusoyaro wrote:Princess Nine?
Check out my deviantART!godix wrote:Free sausage. No conditions. No tricks. To the best of my ability I will give anyone a sausage on anything they ask for. I'm not kidding here, I'll do as many sausage as I can.