*Spolier*FFAC: fav part/irritating part *Spolier*

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*Spolier*FFAC: fav part/irritating part *Spolier*

Post by Xenocide_Ender » Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:56 pm

FFAC kind of had a weak story, but made up for it with beautiful animation and breath taking action(well that is my opinion). My question to you is what was your "awe" sweet moment in the movie and what was your "aghh" frustration in the movie.

I'll start. My "awe" in the movie was probably when Cloud was standing on his sword at the abandoned Shinra corporation, while Sephiroth was at the top and debris from the buliding started to come down, then Cloud seperated his sword and stuck the other one in the building, so he could do a sweet acrobatic move to exert his self upward and cut through the debris finally meeting Sephiroth with a clash. Well that was bit lengthy and I don't think I explained it to well, but you get the gist of it I think.

My "agh" was probably when everyone was talking about "mother" and Cloud and Vincient didn't know it was Jenova. You only fought 4 forms of it j :roll:
new vid; Lights Out Psychic's: Akirahttp://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/member ... p?v=118723


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