by KingSchwill » Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:00 pm
That's a tough one I mean you do leave it completely open. If I was looking for something intellgent and strange, Lain. Something unpredictable and refreshing, FLCL. Something Disturbing and cute, Elfen Lied. Mindless and violent, Fist of the North Star. Well thought out Violent, Berserk. Old school and kitchy, Astroboy. Epic and involved, Howles Floating Castle. I could go on and on, in fact the only mood I haven't found the prefect anime for is drunken playfulness.
But all that aside, the grandaddy of Anime for me would be
Drumroll please
First, last, best anime for me.
Saw it when it first came out in the theaters oh so long before many of you were born, back in the stoneage us relics like to call the "80's."
Violent, epic, fast paced, beautifully animated, intreging characters, and an end that left you going WTF. Every anime I watch to this day is judged on that standard. Now some of you kids may talk shit about the way it looks and how it ends, but to me it represents everything about anime that I love. It was like a peek into another world. The ideas were so different then anything my smalltown logger kid mind known. It hinted at a larger world then just wake up, go to the mill, work, drink, sleep, repeat. I felt for the first time the touch of the outside world. It was more real then all those hollywood moves and TV combined.
Kingschwill wrote:I shit from on great height at the suggestion that anything can kill me.