in the Outlaw Star - Star Trek Rhapsody - Hillman Morning Show
portion, it shows a screenshot of melfina with the outlaw star in front of her. I was wondering where this shot came from, as i want it for my wallpaper. Thanks in advance, sorry if this is in the wrong place, i did a search and turned up FAR too many results to sift through.
amv hell (anime question)
- Kitsuner
- Maximum Hotness
- Joined: Sun Feb 16, 2003 8:38 pm
- Status: Top Breeder
- Location: Chicago, IL
- Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:40 pm
since i owned the anime, i scanned through trying to see where it could be from, i found it. the only problem is video players are seen as an overlay to the desktop, meaning that for some strange reason, video screenshots are an overlay in the image as well. when cropped, the image in question is cropped as an overlay and you lose half the image... anyone got some answers to this puzzle?
- Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2006 9:40 pm
a google came up with this... testing now.
How can I take a screenshot from a VCD,DVD,Divx... video?
Screenshot from VCD,DivX
In Windows Media Player go to View->Options, then turn off the Hardware accelaration(under Playback) by moving the slider to None. Now play the video and press the PrtScn button (above the Insert button on your keyboard) to take the screenshot, last launch your favorite photo editor and paste(ctrl-v) to get the screenshot.
Download Hypersnap DX. Before capturing select in Hypersnap under Capture->Enable Special Capture DirectX Overlay. Then you just start windows media player and play the video or use any dvd/divx/vcd software player and forward to the screen you want and hit pause. Now start Hypersnap DX and select Capture->Window,Button,Control and click on the video window and you will get the image.
Screenshot from DVD
Use WinDVD and play the DVD and just press P on your keyboard and a screenshot will be saved under the folder Capture where you installed WinDVD(usually c:\program files\windvd).