Here's the list of what I've already watched:
A.D. Police
Ai no Kusabi OVA 1-2 (Wedge of Interval)
Angel's Egg
Akazukin Chacha (Red Riding Hood Chacha)
Angel Sanctuary
Arc the Lad
Bakuretsu (Sorcerer) Hunters
Beyond the Clouds
Blood The Last Vampire
Boys Be
Candidate For Goddess OVA
Cowboy Bebop
Detective Academy Q
Dragon Half OVA 1+2
E's Otherwise
El Hazard
Fashionable Judo Girl Yawara
Fruits Basket
Fujimi Orchestra
Full Metal Alchemist
Fushigi Yuugi TV and 3 OVAs
Ghost In the Shell
Golden Boy
Graduation M OVA 1+2
Great Teacher Onizuka
Gunparade March
Haibane Renmei
Haunted Junction
Hitsuji no Uta (Sheep's Song)
I My Me Strawberry Eggs
Infinite Ryvius
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
Kashou no Tsuki
Kizuna 1-3
Last Exile
Legend of Galactic Heroes
Like the Wind, Like the Rain
Mahou Tsukai Tai (Magic User's Club)
Master of Mosquiton
Maze: The Megaburst Space
Mirage of Blaze
One Piece
Outlaw Star
Perfect Blue
Petshop of Horrors
Photon: The Idiot Adventures
Ping Pong Club
Princess Arete
Psychic Academy
Ranma ½
Reideen (Chouja Reideen aka Reideen the Superior)
Rurouni Kenshin
Ryokunohara Labyrinth
Sakigake! Cromartie High
Samurai Champloo
School Rumble
Seikai no Monshu and Seikai no Senkai (Crest and Battleflag of the Stars)
Sensitive Pornograph
Sexy Commando Gaiden Sugoiyo
Shamanic Princess
Shoujo Kakumei (Revolutionary Girl) Utena
Spring and Chaos
Star of Cottonland
Starship Operators
They Were Eleven
Twin Spica
Uninhabited Planet Survive
Voices of a Distant Star
Wolf's Rain
Yami no Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness)
Zetsuai and Zetsuai Bronze
Thanks! *Looks forward to getting some new anime*