FMA Ending (Someone has too) Spoilers

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FMA Ending (Someone has too) Spoilers

Post by HeavyMetal » Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:17 pm

Somebody has to post about Full Metal Alchemist's Ending.

So what do you think Al and Ed? together again? apart forever?

I think they will be together again.
The show's events are so less than happy, but hard work seems to pay off just in unexpected ways. So it is hard to say.

Al seemed to have that steel eyed glare of Ed's at the end that says 'I'll rip the universe a new one if I have too.'

I wonder if Al needs a circle since he has seen the gate.

Plus Ed transmuted on the other side when his other self died. This means it can be done. Ed also happens to know when a lot of power from death will take place having seen the future of WWII.

Not to mention his Dad seems bent on reviving Alchemy in that world.

Death did not stop them so what's a dimension going to do.

The Arm
I do wonder at the significance of Ed's arm being metal once more. Perhaps it was just part of the trade to restore Al by undoing Al's use of the stone.

There is a movie that picks up where the show leaves off.

I am usually apprehensive of movie continuations. They can be off sometimes; DBZ for example. Though sometimes TV series and movies party well together, like Ghost in the Shell.

The movie sounds dead on in the synopsis, but I wonder how it will end. No don't tell me.

[Kalium: We have this thread. That renders this one pointless. Locked.]


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