What is the best way to enjoy anime on the go?

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Post by xoverburnx » Sun May 21, 2006 1:36 pm

hey thats a pretty cool device, at first i was thinking "cd player that can play dvds? tons of music but whats that have to do with anything" but that pretty lcd is teh sex

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Post by oldwrench » Tue May 23, 2006 11:23 am

Blue Zinthos wrote:
TaranT wrote:
older_gohan wrote:There is a recent cdplayer out that has dvd on it that can read dvd's as well as cd's. It's no bigger than your normal cd player and runs 110 bucks.
Philips PET320
I remember paying $129 for a CD player with an LCD display... Now I am starting to sound like an old man. :(
I remember paying that much for a portable casset tape player that had a shoulder strap and these small lightweight headphones. A great advance in taking your music with you, just don't bounce it to much or it affected the music. It also ate batteries like candy.
Where did you say I'm going?.... And what am I doing in a handbasket?

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Post by older_gohan » Tue May 23, 2006 11:45 am

I remember getting a Tape Player with a LCD Display and digital radio. It was so cool and way old XD.

But that DVD/cd portable player looks awsome.

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Post by Joe88 » Tue May 23, 2006 5:13 pm

I just use my PSP.
Because it reduces the size of the file. So a 250MB file when converted using high quality is now a 90MB file. And it can be 58MB if you use the AVC codec instead of MP4.
The files convert quicky so its not that bad at all.
I have my PSP packed with anime vid's , amv's , pic's , and music
all on a 1GB card


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