Barefoot Gen re-release

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Barefoot Gen re-release

Post by x_rex30 » Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:45 pm

If you look for the original release it's going to cost you around 100$ most likely. If you had interest in seeing this before but could find a place to rent it and you ran into all the people trying to sell it for crazy amounts.. then you're in luck it's being released again on 08/06/06. Here is more info..

actually I think this was a series or something.. the old dvd had less time on it. I'm not to sure if it includes everything from the first dvd and more.

the first dvd was 83 minutes. This new release is 170 Minutes

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Post by angelx03 » Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:57 pm

The new Geneon DVD re-release includes two Barefoot Gen movies. I don't think the second movie has ever been released before so this is a dun deal.


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