Good shoujo-ai series?

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Unlimited Rice
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Post by Unlimited Rice » Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:12 pm

angelx03 wrote: Yea, I mean girl-on-girl romance type of stuff.
hmm... ok

err.. what's that one anime. where like.. girls have to make out to pilot some mecha thing(as odd as that sounds.....)? I think I remember you posting about it in this section of the forums

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Richard J.
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Post by Richard J. » Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:02 pm

Unlimited Rice wrote:err.. what's that one anime. where like.. girls have to make out to pilot some mecha thing(as odd as that sounds.....)? I think I remember you posting about it in this section of the forums

Not too bad a series either. Very odd, takes some thinking to follow, and from the episodes I saw more of a war series than a mecha series. (You know what I mean? It seemed less about the machines so much as the people fighting and the effects of the war.)

Definately worth a look if you're looking for shoujo-ai. I'll also add another vote for Strawberry Panic! It does what a lot of these types of series don't, it goes ahead and gives you actual physical girl-on-girl moments. It starts out a little fluffy but turns serious as it goes along.
If only I understood Japanese. . .

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Post by SarahtheBoring » Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:09 pm

There is very little shoujo-ai in Revolutionary Girl Utena the series. It's all in the movie. The series is actually full of hetero incest. Utena and Anthy's relationship is central to the story, but there's no onscreen sex and extremely little romance.

Big misconception that tends to make people very angry and disappointed when they actually do see the series, so you've been warned.

Offhand, all I can vouch for is Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito. It bored me a little, but it has the shoujo-ai quotient for ya.

UnlimitedRice, it sounds like you were thinking of shoujo - that's girly anime in general.


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