"Anime is is bad for the public?"

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Post by DTJB » Thu Jan 11, 2007 4:12 am

No offense GothicMoose, but before you become a writer, be sure to hire a decent editor.
freddy12354 wrote:A lot of anime is wierd you know :D
No, Lain is the only wired anime if that's what you meant to say. All the others are just weird. :P
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Post by OmniStrata » Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:41 pm

Ban anime?

20k signatures?

That's better than other petitions I've seen [by about 50 billionx worth]


Anime is different. Therefore feared by the ignorant and uneducated. Much like how hentai is looked on by the self-proclaimed 'decent' people. [who probably will never have sex their entire lives since it's definitely evil to begin with to them...]

Let's face it, sex and violence have been the driving force behind this world's history for... ever!!

I'd preferably have a world orgy than a world war but hey, you can't have your cake and eat it all the time right?

Back onto anime, anyone have insight as to why 'drawn' characters would fare worse or better than live-action? ...which is probably one of the bigger arguments out there - main one being [watch real porn, not hentai] gah*

[tentacle hentai is hawt for me at times ^_^]
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Post by 4.0Athlete » Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:57 pm

Anime is not just the mindless cartoons that so often get made fun of such as Pokemon and DBZ. Many people jsut catch a glimpse of these shows and make the assumption that this is all that anime has to offer. Anime is so much more cultural and deep than that. It is a wonderful art form that deserves to be appreciated or, at least, given a chance! :D
Anime isn't just for geeks!

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Post by Purge » Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:44 am

yes people who only have seen that mindless childish beyblade anime crap are gonna say anime is bad for the public. And they're right, it is really bullshit when half the school has pokemon cards and your there going what the hell is a bulbasaur and why does it leech seeds. Is it that hard to see that after expeirencing anime crap that anyone would even consider watching the stuff that isn't shown on tv every other day. Even if you show people the best anime in the world your still going to find people who just dont find watching animation that interesting.

Also am i racist if i dont like greek salad!


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