by Miyasoken » Sun Jul 06, 2003 2:55 am
First anime, huh? Kay. I started out with Cutie Honey *BIG cascade sweat* when I was...what, four? Then 'round five I got my hands on the movies Akira and Barefoot Gen. Needless to say, my childhood was quite traumatizing. But hey!
Erm...I didn't know at the time that any of those were anime. The first time I was aware that something was anime was...get this...Pocket Monsters. *twitch twitch* How embarassing. But then there was Digital Monsters and Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon; moving on, Dragonball Z. Um...I later got bored of the ones that were considered 'common' among my associates, so hunted for obscure manga+anime like Bleeding Phantom, Strawberry Goddess, etc....
Huh. Weird, I seemed to start out with the adult anime and THEN progressed to the children's stuff. How disturbing...but either way, my current favorite would probably be Yuu Yuu Hakusho. How 'bout the rest of you?