where for art thou, drawing tutorials? HELP!!

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Post by youkokitsune106 » Wed Aug 06, 2003 2:26 pm

I can only give you pointers from my experience. Let's see.....

-start with the hair, like the bang area. Just cuz the bangs and stuff look intimidating, don't leave them out. They're actually the best place to start because you can make them as wide or tall as you want and then the rest of your picture will be based off of the hair.
-then draw the face outline. The edge of the face should line up with certain areas of the bangs. I like to leave the face for last cuz that's always the hardest for me. but if you want to draw the face in right away...
- Start with the eyes. They are generally the hardest because if they look wrong than the whole picture looks wrong. Um.... my best tip for drwaing eyes would be to make sure the highlights are distinct. They usually make the anime character look more like an anime character.
- the nose is very close to the eyes (not proportional.... ^^;;; ) and the mouth should be small and close to the nose too.
-After the face is the easy part. Just draw the rest of the body. Be distinct with the waistline area for girls and have some ares of bending for guys. (like muscles and stuff..)
-hands are hard. Try to make them thin, but not like twigs. Usually (in my case) i think that they're too thin and i make them fatter which makes it worse. The thinner they are the better. (no lines for fingers though.... :wink: )
-back to hair. The first step was to draw in bangs. If you have a guy, you're generally done. If it's a girl, the hair usually comes out a little bit from the sides of the face. Highlights are zigzag-y and run horizontally along the bangs and hair. um..... try to make dimension and have certain areas that aren't flat. (like extra lines for distinction or little pieces of hair that stick out)

ok........ i'm done. That's enough rambling from me. After all that typing i probably didn't help one bit but hey..... i had to try. ::shrugs::

luvvies <3
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Post by omniinuyasha85 » Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:36 am

youkokitsune106 wrote:I can only give you pointers from my experience. Let's see.....

-start with the hair, like the bang area. Just cuz the bangs and stuff look intimidating, don't leave them out. They're actually the best place to start because you can make them as wide or tall as you want and then the rest of your picture will be based off of the hair.
-then draw the face outline. The edge of the face should line up with certain areas of the bangs. I like to leave the face for last cuz that's always the hardest for me. but if you want to draw the face in right away...
- Start with the eyes. They are generally the hardest because if they look wrong than the whole picture looks wrong. Um.... my best tip for drwaing eyes would be to make sure the highlights are distinct. They usually make the anime character look more like an anime character.
- the nose is very close to the eyes (not proportional.... ^^;;; ) and the mouth should be small and close to the nose too.
-After the face is the easy part. Just draw the rest of the body. Be distinct with the waistline area for girls and have some ares of bending for guys. (like muscles and stuff..)
-hands are hard. Try to make them thin, but not like twigs. Usually (in my case) i think that they're too thin and i make them fatter which makes it worse. The thinner they are the better. (no lines for fingers though.... :wink: )
-back to hair. The first step was to draw in bangs. If you have a guy, you're generally done. If it's a girl, the hair usually comes out a little bit from the sides of the face. Highlights are zigzag-y and run horizontally along the bangs and hair. um..... try to make dimension and have certain areas that aren't flat. (like extra lines for distinction or little pieces of hair that stick out)

ok........ i'm done. That's enough rambling from me. After all that typing i probably didn't help one bit but hey..... i had to try. ::shrugs::

luvvies <3
i only semi agree with that, tho i really appreciate giving such a detailed and more importantly, free five second tutorial on drawing anime.

the thing i would change though is drawing the eyes first, THEN the bangs for the hair. The eyes thing is true, mess them up and the whole picture is scarred and doomed from the start so I always get that over with.

My problem is making the eyes look accurate with the angle and distance yet not making them completely different. its pretty hard. but usually once teh eyes are out of the way, then i passed the test and the whole pic flows smoothly. abt the only other hard part is the hands, especially those of hot girls. that takes a bit of practice, but otherwise, i would say good job in telling all of us drawing novices how to start.
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Post by oXAnimeGoddessXo » Wed Aug 13, 2003 1:46 pm

lol didn't you know that where for art thou doesn't mean where, it actually means "why" didn't they teach you that in ninth grade?


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