SQ wrote:I'd like ot hear about that one!
Well I was basically one of teh kid ponies. And we were all up-set because the evil real estate agent was trying to sell the lot our tree house was on. So everytime he was showing it to someone we would do something to deter them, swarm of locusts, dressing up in white sheets pretending to be ghosts etc.
Well the evil realestate agent wouldn't give up. And we were running out of ideas. Though luckily I had previously entered a contest that entailed guessing the amount of jelly beans in a large glass container. I guessed 724 and was miraciouly the winner. So the prize was for the mayor was to grant me one request that was with-in his power. So yeah, I asked for lot.
Everyone was happy and Peggy(the girl pony I apparently had a crush on) asked if I wanted to share a salt lick. I agreed with a very red face and we were walking away when I woke up.
