Your fav funny part in DBZ

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Re: What?

Post by nailz » Fri Aug 23, 2002 2:31 pm

nami-chan wrote:I never knew anyone who didn't like Dragonbal/Z/GT but if u haven't even seen an episode you should try.
Never knew anyone who didn't like DBZ huh? havent been on this site long, have you?
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Post by IcyMarsBabe » Fri Aug 23, 2002 3:32 pm

can i say a funny part from DB?
if it looks like a spider, jumps like a duck, squaks like a cow, runs like a racoon, what is it? a spider-duck-cow-racoon!!

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Post by kthulhu » Fri Aug 23, 2002 4:01 pm

nailz1000 wrote:
kthulhu wrote:None. I've never seen DBZ. I hate DBZ,and DB, and GT,and whatever hellspawn incarnation that may come up!

Nuclear flame war in 5..4..3..2..
I dont understand. You've NEVER seen it, and yet you hate it. Thats kind of a weak statement, dont you think?
I can just tell it'll bore me. I don't have to feel fecal matter to know it's fecal matter. Hell, it bothered me before I even really knew what anime was. I saw it a fair amount of Dragonball/Z in gaming mags years ago and I was like "stupid". If anything interested me more it was the Eva ads in the back.Combine that with the generally idiotic fandom and the fact that I don't have cable or broadcast Toonami, and I'm not watching.
I'm out...

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Post by SaiyanGirl » Fri Aug 23, 2002 5:43 pm

Hmmm........ I never saw past what they have on Toonami, but I'd have to say Hercules little time delayed punch thingy! He's so full of himself. Of course, now 18 has to launder the money! :P
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Post by bloodyfang » Fri Aug 23, 2002 6:04 pm

i thought it was funny when turtle kicked ALL THE Z-Fighters asses then pissed all over everyone that actually called DBZ anime =O.

oh wait that never happened. damn dreams
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Post by ssj4adam » Fri Aug 23, 2002 8:30 pm

IcyMarsBabe - sure, y not...
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Post by Anime Jedi » Fri Aug 23, 2002 8:49 pm

Not too often that people ask if they can post something, other than posting whatever they want. lol! Glad to see some people keep their manners even in forums, IcyMarsBabe!

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Post by Castor Troy » Fri Aug 23, 2002 8:55 pm

Jesus, if some of you people hate dbz, then don't post in dbz related threads. :?
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Post by Anime Jedi » Fri Aug 23, 2002 9:04 pm

Some people just feel like they need to be heard.

Also, this way we get replies from all different directions. Not literally of course. The problem is when they team up on poor newbies and flame them to a crisp.

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Post by ssj4adam » Fri Aug 23, 2002 9:21 pm

the only thing they need to hear is my shotgun
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