Okay, here goes *deeeeeep breath*:
In the original Japanese version of the show we see here, Seto is not an overly uptight jerk, he's just an a**hole. Pegasus is not evil and the Yugi and friends know this after they read his journal. Why, then, did Americans turn these lovable jerks into unlovable jerks? To make them appear as bad guys so that no one will like anybody else except the protagonist and his troop of merry duelists.
Also, they made Joey stupider. In the original, he was dumb enough without our help.
They cut out scenes of death and replaced it with the 'Shadow Relm' throughout the series. (i.e. Yugi vs. Black Magician Master, they dueled with buzz saws, not glowing, spinning discuses of doom) Not saying that there was no shadow relm in the series at all, but Americans just used it as an excuse for the disappearing people.
Guns were cut out. In the Yugi vs. Fake Seto episode, when the two guys in suits burst into his lab and pointed their fingers at him, they were supposed to be holding guns and saying that they were going to kill him. There were several episodes with this sort of thing in it.
Cut scenes of crazy people. In the post-'Yugi vs. Pegusus' episode, after everyone walks away from Bakura and Bakura pulls out the millenium eye, he licks it and laughs. Many more episodes of such craziness will follow in suite.
People cut from the series entirely. Did you know that Yugi had a mom? They cut her out because she thought her son was going crazy when she heard him 'talking to himself'. Joey's dad was cut out cause he was a majorly wasted drunk.
Overly extended/shortened episodes. This really ticks me off. They cut out a ton of scenes in a battle (it was supposed to last four eps.), make a stupid song to stick in, and shortemed the battle to two very quick episodes (i.e. Yugi vs. Panic). Sometimes they like to waste time by taking clips from previous eps. and sticking a song in that to make it more 'dramatic' (i.e. pre-'Yugi vs. Joey' in Duelist Kingdom).
Too much talking and too much screaming. In the original version, not nearly as much yapping about pointless crap, not too much music going on to make the show more dramatic, and they're not endlessly screaming at you to the point that you may fear for the voice actors vocal chords. (Note: In the Japanese version, Yugi's & Yami's voices are done by the same guy who did Heero's voice in Gundam Wing.)
*whew* I think that's all I can remember at the moment.
I like crazy people . . .
. . . because crazy people make me laugh.