Sound like anything anyone's heard of?Back in the day I was channel surfing and I came across an anime playing on one of the Showtime channels. It was at the very end of the show/movie. Two people were fighting (a girl and a guy) and they both had bandages wrapped around their wrists (as I recall the bandages were connected, like the girl's right wrist bandage was connected to the guy's left wrist bandage and visa versa. The bandages had enough length between the guy and the girls for some maneuverability, but not too much). The girl ended up beating the guy pretty badly. For some reason I got the impression that they were siblings (this may be relevent or it just might be my misguided judgement, it's been a while since I saw it). The girl was a blonde and the guy was a brunette. That's pretty much all I remember about it. Sorry for not being more descriptive.