Anime is taking over! Good or bad?

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Moonlight Soldier
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Post by Moonlight Soldier » Tue Jan 11, 2005 4:04 pm

I always like catching people when they discriminate against animation. Unless they honestly don't like anything animated in general (rare) I can't say it doesn't please me to catch the hypocrites.

Namely all the people who watch Family Guy, Invader Zim, The Simpsons etc, and then condemn a perfectly good concept for being animated in Japan :roll:

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Post by Dave_911 » Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:45 pm

anime is all around us, i get in convos with friends and apparently some of them watch too sometimes its surprising who recognises you talking about trigun or love hina
oyeah, that reminds me i got recognised by some ppl when i was reading the flcl manga in school

anyways thinka bout it, do you really want anime to become mainstream, i mean, those prissy little "baby-doll" girls or "gangsta" guys watching evangelion or flcl or even cowboy bebop, and not having the mental capacity to understand it, it would ruin some classics

its kind of like when skateboarding when mainstream, the ppl who made fun of me in 4th grade were skating in 7th grade[and couldnt even make it over a crack in the sidewalk...literally] and now by the time im in 10th its everywhere and if i mention that i skate half the class calls me a poser...
its the way society rolls, i choose not to take part

me, im hoping anime and manga will stay a more underground type of thing

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Re: Anime is taking over! Good or bad?

Post by Kajino Rei » Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:56 pm

spike bomb 11 wrote:Over the past couple years here in the u.s, anime has grown at a unbelivable rate and is still doing so. Is this good or bad?!
Anime and Manga have grown but not nearly enough for comfort.
The only things that have changed are:
A) More releases.
B) More awareness of what Japanimation is.
C) Realization that some childhood cartoons were actually anime.
D) Increased profits in that market.
E) The "Indie" culture is breaking out.
F) Liking anime is now sometimes 'cool' for kids.
H) Other
Of course this is compared to over twenty years ago.
Also it's not only the USA, it's in whole world.
More people are falling in love with this medium.
Is it good or bad?
Well, I certainly don't see any downside to this. :roll:
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Post by vorx » Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:17 pm

Nah, it's bad. I hate popular stuff... If anime becomes a big part of pop culture, I'm taking my Giant Robo DVDs and my Astroboy manga, and moving to the top of a mountain.

In conclusion, I enjoy being an outcast.
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Post by angelx03 » Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:46 pm

Man, this thread reminded me of my old thread. DON'T NECROPOST IT!

Though the thing that intrigues me the most is the manga really got popular in this country. Heck, check this article I found on ANN. Is that mean that manga became a pop icon or something?

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Post by Kajino Rei » Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:07 pm

angelx03 wrote:Man, this thread reminded me of my old thread. DON'T NECROPOST IT!

Though the thing that intrigues me the most is the manga really got popular in this country. Heck, check this article I found on ANN. Is that mean that manga became a pop icon or something?
Must say that was a good article.
Manga is becoming a pop icon.
Some young guy with rapper style clothes walked past me and said:
"Wow, you like manga?"
I said: "Yes, I love reading it, especially this one. It's called Kare Kano."
Then I just mention anime and a friend on mine says:
"Oh yeah, those Chinese cartoons. :roll: "
And in unison this woman and I said: "They're not cartoons! :evil: :lol: "
Manga is out there, there isn't a stereotype for manga readers anymore...
At least it isn't correct (not that they ever are).
Otaku's have lives and the world is getting to see that. :roll:
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Post by angelx03 » Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:09 pm

I wonder if there's any manga commercials shown on MTV. :roll:

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Post by MiyaJadecube » Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:11 pm

Good or Bad? seems that I have to agree with some of the other's views that if anime becomes less of an 'underground' fanbase and more of another pop fad...I would have my cry. >_<

However, it is what we make of it. CN (not talking AdultSwim) has put together what they blieve are the best rated animes out there, of course they are guiding them toward the new generation (aka-young audiences). So Pokemon, Digimon & the like will be the first taste of anime many will see, this is what that new generation will grow up with. I would love to see less 'mainstream' anime become introduced to this audience however, because then they might be able to view what Japanese animation truly is - on a broader scale. Story plots don't have to be 2 dimentional with animation. :wink: (Sorry, nothing against those formerly mentioned titles.)

So, as things stand, I would love to see more titles, more movies & more clubs. However, I will miss the feel of a close-knit group of 'anime-junkies' enjoying their little piece of heaven. Otaku forever!! *sniffle*

Good or a question! Will we, or the next generation be the judge of that? :?:

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Post by Moonlight Soldier » Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:14 pm

Dave_911 wrote:anyways thinka bout it, do you really want anime to become mainstream, i mean, those prissy little "baby-doll" girls or "gangsta" guys watching evangelion or flcl or even cowboy bebop, and not having the mental capacity to understand it, it would ruin some classics
Yes I do. The more lucrative the market, the less I'll have to spend trolling the internet to find obscure fansubs that companies refuse to gamble on. I don't need something to be underground to like it. Especially if it means I can get what I want.
Angelx03 wrote:Though the thing that intrigues me the most is the manga really got popular in this country. Heck, check this article I found on ANN. Is that mean that manga became a pop icon or something?
Ah yes, I remember that commentary earlier, (IE the girl market) though the statistics about the money is rather impressive. A lot of it is noticeable as well, just looking around in book stores, I remember a day when manga had one row on a shelf in Chapters, now it has at least 2 spinning racks and a full shelving unit in most stores. Hell, the one down the street from me has a full display rack on "How to draw ______" right when you walk in the door. The less I have to order through mail, the less shiping, and the shipping means more manga in general :wink:

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Post by Kajino Rei » Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:17 pm

angelx03 wrote:I wonder if there's any manga commercials shown on MTV. :roll:
:| I believe so, yes.
Think I saw it one day.
It was from TOKYOPOP...
They're all from Tokyopop. :roll:
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