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Post by CerebralAssamite » Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:37 pm

Ninja Scroll - Watch some amv's on it, you don’t need to watch the best one just one's that will give you the gist of the movie. DO NOT get the series it blows the big one.

Blue Gender - Same with this, watch an amv or two, basically its set in the future and its a dbz reunion (like yu yu hakusho), I personally loved the series however I can see why most wouldn't, it wouldn’t have a huge fan base.

X - The movie isnt worth a buy, huge story leads up a huge anti-climactic ending, worth the watch but not the buy.


Happy Lesson

Full Metal Panic & FMP Fumoffu & Second Raid (when it comes out)

Fruits Basket



He Is My Master - You can find subs around for this, only 6 episodes released so far.

Initial D (If your a street racing fan, and if your not [I wasn't when I watched this for the first time] it will give you an interest in cars and racing in general)

Martian Successor Nadesico + Movie

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (Please for your sake do NOT get VHD, the first was real, real bad and not worth watching IMHO)

Samurai X (Trust, Betrayal, Reflections) and the Rurouni Kenshin Series
In order - Samurai X - Trust, Betrayal, Rurouni Kenshin - Wandering Samurai, Legends of Kyoto, Tales from the meji (this sucks), Samurai X - The Motion Picture (This sucks), Samurai X - Reflections

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:06 pm

CerebralAssamite wrote:X - The movie isnt worth a buy, huge story leads up a huge anti-climactic ending, worth the watch but not the buy.
The series isn't half bad though.
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Post by spacekase » Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:15 pm

CerebralAssamite wrote: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (Please for your sake do NOT get VHD, the first was real, real bad and not worth watching IMHO)
I second that. Bloodlust was great, but the original was horrid. Avoid it like the plague.

Another good series is Blue Sub Six, but whatever you do DO NOT buy the Toonami movie version. That blew, no pun intended.

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Post by Banana_Boat » Sun Jun 26, 2005 8:43 am

Kionon wrote:Hmm. A real answer or a bitter answer?

The real answer is that your tastes seem to be too limited, in my opinion, to reasonably suggest anything. We'd have to know your DISLIKES as well.

The bitter answer is that all you have there is popular anime, which means you'd probably be happy with any popular anime. I do not have to explain what I think is wrong with that concept.
Well, sure I dislike Ghost In the SHell AS HELL! Overhyped piece of shit. Kimmera(dont aske me how i got this) DBGT :(, I really dont like subtitles, so i only buy anime with english audo. I like some greta comedies like love hina, action like cowboy bebop, story like evangelion, blood like hellsing, and adventure like DBZ:) There you have it!

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Post by bobbarker31 » Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:56 am

I would recommend Macross Plus... They just released the two disc box set and it still has all the wonder and punch after being released all of these years :P
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Post by yuppa » Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:25 pm

heheheh "KImerra" Oh wow shes so hot....*sees her in shower then she steps out* WAAHHH!! shes got a big juicy PENIS!!* CUE CRYING GAME MUSIC!! ROFL!! OK my suggestion it Silent mobius... and the sequels if y acan find em.
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