wolf's rain's story

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Post by Solaria735 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:44 pm

No, no, madbunny, you got it right! The Klingons were the best part!

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Wolf's Rain has a plot!

Post by Silvyfirst » Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:15 pm

Well... :? the plot of Wolf's Rain is quiet complicated to explain... but I watched all the 26 episodes and the 4 final OAVs and I'll try! :wink:
Spoilers wrote:In a different world than ours, people believe that wolves are extinct, but few of them still live! And there's a strange book: the book of the moon, where it's written that wolves created the world and human beings were born from wolves.
And wolves are able to look like people, because in their true form they would be killed by humans.
Kiba, the white wolf believes that Paradise exists and wants to find it, in a city he meets 3 other wolves and manages to persuade them to start a journey to find Paradise or "Rakuen" in japanese. He follows his instinct and the smell of the flowers of the moon to find the way. There's also a girl: the "maiden of the flower" or Cheza... wolves need her to reach Paradise.
Then... in that world there are nobles who want to live in the paradise, too! and kill wolves because they don't want them to find it! One of the nobles: Darcia, has the eye of a wolf and hates all the world because the woman he loved died and hopes to meet her again in paradise.
The four wolves continue their journey (we also discover something about their past) and meet a man who wants to kill them all, because he thinks that a wolf killed his child, whereas the nobles' army did that. And a half dog-half wolf (Blue) follows him until she discovers that she's a wolf and falls in love with Hige (one of the wolves in the group).
In the end, when Paradise is close, Darcia kills Tsume, Toboe, Hige and Blue. And also Cheza dies after she's opened the "door of Paradise" but Kiba understands that Paradise doesn't exist!!!
When Darcia tries to pass the "door" his body vanishes, but his wolf's eye doesn't and falls in a small lake, where it turns into black water and changes a white flower into a black one!
In the last clips we see our world with big cities, roads, cars and so on... and the four wolves with their human aspect living in it.
I think that the black flower was important because it meant that the Evil can't be defeated (Darcia was very wicked) and Paradise can't exist with Evil in it! Kiba doesn't reach it because he understood this and thinks that a Paradise with Evil isn't a paradise anymore!
Or anyway... I think that was the meaning! :?

I recommend you to watch it all and hope that you'll understand something of what I wrote! :lol:

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