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Post by Noojiko » Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:16 pm

I also prefer the FMA fights.

I HATE fights like say... Naruto where they explain EVERYTHING in the MIDDLE of the fight. That KILLS me. I swear, we do NOT need to know the 20 minutes of details that you thought of to punch him in the face! You did it already, it looked cool (maybe) and it's OVER. Just SHUT UP ABOUT IT!!! -.-

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Post by Gepetto » Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:41 pm

I like mental battles, like we read (and will soon see) in Death Note. But, oddly enough, the fights I like most are fights in non-fighting anime, like Midori no Hibi, School Rumble and Mononoke Hime. Also fights in low-key fight anime like Ikkitousen. Since the producers aren't too pretencious about making "teh koolest fight EVAR!!!1!11one", the fights flow more naturally.

I agree/disagree with Noojiko. I like the 20 minutes of "how A reached the conclusion that the most effective attack on B would be a left jab to the rib", but I HATE the twelve episodes of "both A and B remember their past, from the day their grandfathers were born to the morning before the fight". Seriously, sometimes when one of those flashbacks comes up, I expect a deep voice to say LET THERE BE LIGHT. It disturbs me.
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