Anime Recommendations Redux

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Post by Ishbalan » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:53 pm

macchinainterna wrote:To Malificus:

I've seen videos, but I never gave Kino's Journey much thought. I'll have to check it out. I haven't heard much about Monster, but what I have heard about it was pretty good. I'll look into it when it hits the States. Thanks!

To Chrono63:

I've never even heard of Baccano before. I'll have to look it up. Thanks!

To Kariudo:

If it was released by Sunrise, then chances are that I'll love Code Geass. Sunrise hasn't disappointed me yet. ;)

As for Clannad, if it's as sad as I hear Air is, then I might not last long with it.

Thanks for the recommendations! ^^
Monster is excellent, but it'll probobly never hit the states.
Code Geass is excellent. I'd say watch it before Monster because Monster will take way too long to finish.
CLANNAD is PURE WIN and not nearly as confusing and depressing as AIR.
Try to fit it in somewhere.

x2 for Higurashi

I also recommend:
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Fate/stay night

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Post by macchinainterna » Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:56 am

To Ringtails:

Can't say that I've ever heard of Seirei no Moribito. I'll have to look into it. Thanks!

To Ishbalan:

With that said, then I'll be sure to look into Clannad and Monster at some point!

I haven't heard of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (I'll be looking up that one too), but I have heard of Fate/Stay Night and it looks to be right up my ally. It's a shame that it's a Geneon title. Maybe I can find some obscure shopping sites that still have it in stock . . . Thanks for the recommendations!

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Post by Pas » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:04 am

macchinainterna wrote:With that said, then I'll be sure to look into Clannad
Do it now. I shit you not when I say it will be the best moment of your life, you were born to watch this show.

Also, seeing as you enjoyed Death Note you should get Code Geass.

...but only after CLANNAD.

or else >:C

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Post by OropherZero » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:13 am

Seirei no Moribito x2, I need to get the novels when Scholastic finishes translating them, brilliant story, characters, themes and the action isn't overblown Shounen type stuff

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Post by macchinainterna » Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:23 pm

Pas1990 wrote:
macchinainterna wrote:With that said, then I'll be sure to look into Clannad
Do it now. I shit you not when I say it will be the best moment of your life, you were born to watch this show.

Also, seeing as you enjoyed Death Note you should get Code Geass.

...but only after CLANNAD.

or else >:C
Wow, if that didn't seal the deal for me then nothing will. XD

Okay, Clannad's a go then!

BTW, your avatar is made of pure win. ;)

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Post by Sukunai » Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:37 pm

At one time I regarded Ah My Goddess as the pinnacle of the perfect romance anime. Then they did TV season 1 and 2 and actually managed to improve on great.

I pity those that shy away from Air TV all because they might actually risking crying over an anime. It's the first anime I ever bought in dvd and I did it having already seen it in sub.

I get bored of anime that is so bland it can actually be aired on North American tv unaltered. YOU might like Natruto a lot, but I consider it just more of the same over and over and over to the point it makes it hard to stand.

I'd be surprised if I could be forced to watch more than season 1.

If an anime can't touch your soul, then the anime itself has no soul.

And yes, anime schools girls might get to look fairly cliche to some, but as long as the story is nice, it doesn't matter if the cliche is used.
Anime, one of the few things about the internet that doesn't make me hate the internet.

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Post by macchinainterna » Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:16 pm

lestheanimesarge wrote:At one time I regarded Ah My Goddess as the pinnacle of the perfect romance anime. Then they did TV season 1 and 2 and actually managed to improve on great.

I pity those that shy away from Air TV all because they might actually risking crying over an anime. It's the first anime I ever bought in dvd and I did it having already seen it in sub.

I get bored of anime that is so bland it can actually be aired on North American tv unaltered. YOU might like Natruto a lot, but I consider it just more of the same over and over and over to the point it makes it hard to stand.

I'd be surprised if I could be forced to watch more than season 1.

If an anime can't touch your soul, then the anime itself has no soul.

And yes, anime schools girls might get to look fairly cliche to some, but as long as the story is nice, it doesn't matter if the cliche is used.
You make a valid point. For me however, It's not that I don't want to risk crying over an anime. If an anime can have such an emotional effect on me, then I'm all for it. So long as it is a genuine and unintentional effect. If it's deliberately done to force an emotional reaction out of me, then I don't bother. Maybe my impression of Air has been grossly misled. I was made to believe that it was a typical tear-jerker story, but if there is much more to it than that then I'll be more than willing to give it a shot.

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Post by Ringtails » Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:45 pm

In terms of emotional impact, Kanon (2006) hit me harder than Air. I also liked it better as a series overall.
But neither are as good as Clannad. So if you plan on watching all three, I suggest Air -> Kanon -> Clannad.

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Post by macchinainterna » Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:37 pm

I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!

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Post by 76 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:04 pm

label me a noob for this, but the series that I can think of hitting me the most, has to be eureka 7, around eps 28 ect, I could hardly stand it.

though I will check those two out, (I've already seen 1-15 of clannad)

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