Monster is excellent, but it'll probobly never hit the states.macchinainterna wrote:To Malificus:
I've seen videos, but I never gave Kino's Journey much thought. I'll have to check it out. I haven't heard much about Monster, but what I have heard about it was pretty good. I'll look into it when it hits the States. Thanks!
To Chrono63:
I've never even heard of Baccano before. I'll have to look it up. Thanks!
To Kariudo:
If it was released by Sunrise, then chances are that I'll love Code Geass. Sunrise hasn't disappointed me yet.
As for Clannad, if it's as sad as I hear Air is, then I might not last long with it.
Thanks for the recommendations! ^^
Code Geass is excellent. I'd say watch it before Monster because Monster will take way too long to finish.
CLANNAD is PURE WIN and not nearly as confusing and depressing as AIR.
Try to fit it in somewhere.
x2 for Higurashi
I also recommend:
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Fate/stay night