The Origonal Head Hunter wrote:Jasta85 wrote:and the original is usually better than the dub anyway
2 questions, one related to the other:
1) Do you speak Japanese?
2) If not, then how can you tell the Japanese dub is better than the English?
Emotion is universal.
I could tell the difference between emotion-filled Japanese voice acting and flat-ass English voice acting before I learned Japanese.
Post-Japanese-learning, my preconceptions from when I only knew English still stand, so it makes sense to me.
That being said, there are definitely good English dubs. They are rare. The actors are also sometimes whiny. Take for example the English Dub of Excel Saga. The woman who voiced Excel in the first half of the series stepped down and someone else had to take over. Why? Because she thought that voicing that character would damage her vocal chords.
Meanwhile, you have Japanese voice actors who shout, scream, panic, cry, breathe heavily, tense their abdomens, clench their teeth, and put forth a ton of effort for the work they do, and I haven't heard of any quitting a job in fear their voice might be ruined.
And as a result of all that shouting, screaming, panicing, crying, breathing, abdomen-tensing effort, the work is wonderful, believable, and full of spirit.
Voice acting, like Kendo, takes
kiai. Most of the people who get hired to do English dubs don't have it, or don't get paid enough to bring it to the workplace, plain and simple. And if that's not true, they aren't doing much to prove me wrong.