Your first anime...[that you bought]

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Post by DeathScytheAngel » Fri Jun 06, 2003 8:56 pm

The anime that got me into it was DBZ. The first one I bought was the first Slayers movie..... it might have been the second.... all I really remember was it had Naga in it, so it's probably the first.
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Post by Timelessblurr » Fri Jun 06, 2003 9:58 pm

I think the first Anime I saw that I really like was Rodin Warriors. But that was back when I was like in 4th 5th grade when they where showing it in the morning cartoons (I started watching it during summer vactoin) and it was before I even knew what anime was. I though it was a cool cartoon and I noticed that it had a lot of extra meaning it in (minds you thinking back I can see more stuff in it) I have not seen Rodin warriors since then but I may buy the DVDs some day and watch them all again.

The next anime that I saw that I knew was anime (more so I learned later) was Sailor Moon. It was ok but the I saw it Dub and I it bothers me to now end. Sailor moon is just really easy to make fun of. I know it has a lot of chartier devepment in it and it cool and all but I really could not sit down and watch it.

THe first anime that I saw that I knew was anime when I watch it and it was what really help push me into anime (along with have a crush on a girl who was a total anime fan. NOw this girl is my closest friend but that another story) was Tenchi. I saw most of Univers over a perod of time and the orginal ones. It was also the first mangas I read it was among ones I bought for my self. After that I started learning a little bit more about anime and the thing that really go me spending money was when I bought Ah My Goddess the Movie one whim. At the time I bought it was a title I reconzed but I could not put my finger on it. It was later that I learn that it was the movie my friend Jessi and saw at Acon and told me about it. Since then I spend a lot more money on anime and I have seen a lot more of it.
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my first

Post by deus751 » Sat Jun 07, 2003 8:59 pm

hey hey my first anime was Akira when i was 8. my cousine brought it over and i didn't know that there was anything in the word that was so scary at the time. hehe now i know better but man that anime at 8 scared the crap out of me hehe.

Staring at the night sky above the cliffs,
The stars like tears above the flames.

As the fires fall and burn the grass,
I stare at my home, watching, helpless.
A song of sorrow flows through the air,
Between the sounds of hail and thunder.

Staring at the ground beneath my feet,
The valleys like sullen creases on a tired face.

Between the sadness my house burns,
Like a friend watching from far off.
The sky and the ground swallow up
All history and time not able to look back.

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Raistlin Mage
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Post by Raistlin Mage » Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:10 pm

I believe my first ever Anime to buy was Fushigi Yuugi on VHS. I got the one where the gang first meets Soi and all that fun stuff.

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Post by Kazutaka » Wed Jun 11, 2003 8:53 am

The first anime I remember that hit me, (also the first I bought on VHS-the only choice at the time 1980-82ish) was a little known anime called "Fantastic Planet" by Stefan Wul and dir Rene Laloux. This started my long obsession with Anime especially the more obscure titles. To this day I have only met 2 other people beside myself who has even heard of or seen this anime. I live in the black hole of the universe! devoid of culture, obsession, and entertainment of any real quality. :(
Such is life here..... no wonder why I spend so much of my time watching anime.....

PS if any one else has seen or heard of Fantastic Planet please message me!

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Post by Sephiroth98 » Wed Jun 11, 2003 9:40 am

the whole trigun series. vash is awesome
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Post by deathscythecdg » Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:30 pm

my 1st vhs was Tenchi forever
1st dvd was Akira for all those true anime lovers this is a must in the collection
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Post by Cess007 » Mon Jun 23, 2003 6:05 pm

let me first anime was Macross, hmm oh yes, more exactly Robotech..that was my first anime(and i still want a cyclone for my room)..
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Post by Ari-chan » Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:21 pm

Wow, it been so long since I bought my first real anime, I can hardly remember. I think it was a VHS of the Cardcaptor Sakura sub Ep.5-8. Or it my have been the Rayearth OAVs. The anime that introduced me was sailormoon, but the first anime i ever saw was Speed Racer9that was before I knewn what anime was).

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Post by Mayina » Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:25 pm

hmm... my first Anime was Sailormoon... dont know which... But Escaflowne is cooler! :!:
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