14 episodes? ughrubyeye wrote:LoST RaiNDRoP wrote: Suspense, a little bit, well sort of, well not really.
Scary, not here - try Devil Lady instead.
And if you mean Devilman Lady? ha, scary cause its so bad.
Although WHR is a tad too predictable. Also not giving much to curiosity.
examples: I liked the doll episode, however, they ruined the suspense I figured there was something in the closet. And then once I saw the dolls, bam over.
The single eye guy, after some time I was thinking it was probably that guy they first ran into.
And I'm not finding it obvious that Robin wasn't to fight. That's bothering me. The other characters are barking at her but she's giving off no outward emotion or reaction to make me think she is eager to fight. Its ok if they do it once and they are wrong, but they keep doing it.
Anyway, I'm just speaking out loud and I haven't seen last nights episode. I'm taping and I might watch it tonight although I do have class.