quote]btw2- Who killed me (in case u don't know wat i'm talkin about, ready my name and igore the 'II') i wanna hear reasons if it's not too much trouble, or possibly a url that gives reasons for ur decision Quote:
just a theory, since everyone was part of instrumentality, all people were combined (like you see in shinji's case), she could be reffering to her revulsion of being "one" with everyone else.
I know this is gonna sound real "high & mighty" (and I don't mean to), but I honestly kind of get sick of this question. Not because of the answer (although when people say Misato, I am baffled), but because of the relevance. Think about it, does it really matter who killed Kaji? Does it change the story at all? I think the reason the person is faceless is because...Anno didn't care.
Kaji knew he was going to die after revealing all of that and hence the line "Oh you're late." Not necessarily to imply that he knew the person, but that he knew was going to die soon. My logical guess is that it was a random NERV operative, there are tons of those that do that exact thing.
Regardless, I got off-topic (and answered the question heh ). The point is that, IMHO, this isn't something to really think HARD on since it's not relevant to the story. Someone killed Kaji, he knew it was going to happen, the end. If you knew it was Gendo or a random NERV operative, it doesn't change the overall story of Eva does it? Eva is about people and our interactions with each other. Something like this is very trivial in the big picture ne? In any case, sorry to get so "confrontational." I didn't mean to and this *is* a forum so you're free to ask
i think i should point this out in case u wanna re-word this sumhow..u say it doesn't matter who shot gendo. i agree that it doesn't make a difference in the plot-line of eva, everything happens just the same no matter who it turns out that shot him. Eva IS about interactions, and barriers to do so (AT field) so knowing that, wouldn't you say that it mattered who shot kaji, not if it turns out to be a regular run-of-the-mill nerv employee, but if it was sum1 like misato, that would be a BIG interaction between those two characters, not as a great an interaction, but still a valid one would have been between kaji and gendo if gendo had shot him. i don't wanna say who i think it is, at this point considering that on the outside Gendo is all about business, and his business with kaji was finished, he could have shot him and Kaji would have seen it coming, hense his final words. But Misato i wouldn't rule totally out, that would definately be eva-like if Misato shot kaji because that was her lover and she greives heavily for his loss, that because he was a spy, had to be terminated..personally. but again this is only an early theory, i still need to check out the episodes more.
and i quote "...Anno doesn't care." i don't think ur in a position to make that assumption, if anything, i'll bet there wasn't a paperclip on that show that Anno didn't care about. (suspects there was a personal connection to Anno's own life that correlates with Kaji's mystery killer)
and about the EoE final screen with asuka and shinji, i don't want anyone to think that those were things i have hard-evidence about, i was just making observations and writing my thoughts as i went along. LCL is orange, but in that setting, don't u think it would have been darker...almost red


...sorry about that (pulls himself together)