If you already have a yahoo Messenger or E-mail account then you have a geocities account. They are all linked with the same name and passowords.initial d freak wrote:but then where do i go once im on geocities.com?
So Your in Geocities. Your not supost to host images off there, but heres how. Take your file "cooldesktop.jpg" (thats an example) and change it to "cooldesktop.txt." Now you have a Text file. Upload it to Geocities using the "Upload files" on the member main page (its on the right). Choose your Text file and upload. Once its uploaded go to the "File Manager." (there should be a link to it once you upload). Choose the file from the list and click "View" If the image appears properly in the pop up window, Then every thing is fine. If not you'r screwed. Continueing, If the file looks fine, copy the web address from the address bar. Use this address in like this.
[ img ]http://My_Pants.com/fish.txt[ /img ]
Preview just to make shure its good.
Your done.
If you can't see file extentions go to any windows folder and pull down either:
Tools > Folder Otions > View
View > Options > View
And tick/untick the "show file extentions" option.