What anime char would you like to have sex with?
- RadicalEd0
- Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:58 pm
- the Black Monarch
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- Location: The Stellar Converter on Meklon IV
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Mad Hatter's Tea Party
The_Mad_Hatter wrote:>Oh, boy, a Mad Hatter's Tea Party! (Large table and chairs appear on
>stage, along with a sign saying "NO ROOM"! Teacups and plates
>magically appear. Pinku-sensei pours a warm red liquid into a teacup
>and passes it to Mad Hatter/Malkavian) Take your time drinking it. The
>cup is insulated and I put in a drop of heparin in it so it won't
It's all well and good, but the teapot is of a quarrelsome sort, there's just no getting around it I'm afraid...but perhaps we could go OVER it....hrmmm...

Good pun--and it's original--or, at least, it's not in "A Mad Tea Party".

I suppose that's because the teapot isn't fond of being full of blood instead of tea. I suppose I could use a tureen with a lid and then ladle the liquid out, but who ever heard of anyone ladling anything into a teacup? *sigh* I suppose I could sing to it and see if that makes it compose itself. Let's try this song. Sing along, MH, you should know it!
"Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
How I wonder where you're at.
Up above the world you fly,
Like a tea-tray in the sky"
BTW, there actually is a restaurant called "Tea-Tray In The Sky" http://www.teatray.com/. You might visit there if you ever get to Arlington, MA.
"Plutonic"?>Well, you like your anime characters young. The sailor scouts are in
>middle school (8th grade--13 to 14 years old) when the series starts.
Eh, it doesn't matter so much in fantasy though, if I'm fantasizing about teenage anime girls I usually fantasize myself being of about the same age and more a plutonic sorta love that a hot, sweaty, sticky, wild, nasty animal sex kinda love...*shrugs*...that's just me.

1. You must mean "Platonic". Dictionary.com gives these definitions for "plutonic":
Of or relating to the god Pluto or the underworld; infernal.
Of or relating to the planet Pluto.
Of deep igneous or magmatic origin: plutonic rocks.
I doubt you mean love below the surface of the Earth or on the planet Pluto. However, Pluto is also the Roman god of wealth (hence "plutocrats" and "plutocracy" for wealthy rulers and a system of governance by the wealthy, so you could mean "loving (someone) for her wealth or for money". When I typed in "plutonic love" in Google, I got the following entry: "Workers to Donate Sperm to Pay Plant Debts." Well, that's one kind of plutonic "love"!
2. Look down, MH. Your Freudian slip is showing!
Speaking of Freud...
Darn. I was so hoping!>>>Hey, baby, got an Electra complex?
>I stumped the Hatter with a psychology reference. I'm surprised!
No you didn't.
Yeah, Freud is pretty discredited among psychologists (I prefer Jung myself), but his ideas have seeped into popular culture to the point where most people have some foggy notion of them. In fact, I read an intellectual history of the 20th Century that touted Freud, Marx, and Darwin as the three thinkers with the greatest influence on 20th Century thought. Pity that Freud and Marx were wrong!>Here's a definition from this site:
>Electra complex - In Freudian theory, the de<SLAP>
Ahhh, that explains it. You know most of Frauds "theories" (HA HA! Freudian slip!) aren't taken seriously...at all. I mean they can be sorta funny and a good example of how NOT to be a clinical pychologist/psychiatrist but otherwise, not so much.
Your age is decreasing?
>>Wow, Asuka has pretty well developed breasts for a 10 year old (oh
>>wait, unless I'm not more than twice her age). Why do you stupid
>>people always think everyone on the Internet is the same age as they
>>are? o_O
>This is why I wish there was an edit function on these forums. If
>there had been, you wouldn't have seen me put my foot in my mouth over
>this one. As it is, you didn't read my retraction, where I wrote that
>she was nine years younger than you are (23-14=9). Oh, well.
Actually to be nitpicky I'm only 22.

"`And how many hours a day did you do lessons?' said Alice, in a hurry to change the subject.
`Ten hours the first day,' said the Mock Turtle: `nine the next, and so on.'
`What a curious plan!' exclaimed Alice.
`That's the reason they're called lessons,' the Gryphon remarked: `because they lessen from day to day.' "
That's one way of looking at it. Here's another: The series takes place in 2015, when she's 14 years old. This means she was born in 2001, which makes her at most 1 year old now. See, I was right--more than twice her age!And to be even more nitpicky, since the series aired in 1995 and at that time the character was 14, she'd actually only be ONE year younger than I am. `, P

Thank you.
>>And to think, you were tryin to nitpick over my liking Asuka! 80% of
>>the time Washu is in her 10 year old lil girl state. Tell ya what
>>though, I'll take the adult form, you can have the kid form. `, )
>You saw the clarification below. Besides, she's still a 10,000+ year
>old goddess, no matter what the form!
You've got a point there.

If I had a chance with her I'd fight you for her, too. I always found her more interesting than Lucy Lawless!
>>Actually I've never even seen the series, so I don't see how I can be a fanboi.
>I meant anime fanboi in general, not fanboi of "Ah My Goddess!" in
>particular. After all, you haven't watched the series and still think
>the character's attractive.
Well I hate the show Xena but I still think Renee 'O Connor is 8 shades of fucking beautiful...*shrugs*...
Yeah, anime is getting big enough that the distributors are now starting to care as much about copyright as US producers of live-action shows. At that point, you might as well. Until then, enjoy!I don't devote enough time to anime to be a "fanboi". I mean for most of the peeps in here anime is probably their primary interest or hobby, where as for me I pick up new interests and hobbies everyday. I mean I LIKE the various shows and such, but not so much that I'm going to ever really watch most of em more than 2 or 3 times in next 100 years or so...maybe a lil more if you count making AMVs, but chances are in the next couple years I'll switch from using anime to using regular shows like Buffy, Farscape, etc.
*Snort* I'd say Pikachu was a liar, but then I remember all that little electric mouse says is "Pika" "Chu" and "Pikachu". Not much of a way to get meaning from that!
>>>I'll stick to Urd for a short, meaningless relationship, thank you!
>>Ewww, Urd looks like some old lady whose tryin to look young.
>Who says that's not what I like?
I think Pikachu said it, he said you were into lil yellow fuzzballs with red circles on their cheeks and a multifunctional electric shaped tail.
However, I will ask you this: Why are gerbils gray?
>>>4. Kiyone
>>Is it the blue hair that turns you on...or is her big gun? He, he, he...
>Nah. She's the only female in the Masaki household who doesn't have a
>crush on Tenchi and I think she's underappreciated.
Oh come on, didn't you ever pick up on the subtle lesbo relationship between her and Mihoshi? That's why those two were never that interested in Tenchi...cept maybe for a threesome! ^_^

During "Time and Space Adventures" in "Tenchi Universe", all the female characters other than Washuu got to live their fantasies. Mihoshi was the only one who ended up married to Tenchi. As for Kiyone, her fantasy was a nice quiet life away from Mihoshi! Somehow, I don't think either of those are consistent with either a lesbian relationship or neither of them being interested in Tenchi.
You're right; I don't do it in my bedroom. I go to my girlfriend's place.
>>>5. Ryoko (I have a wall scroll of her over my bed)
>>...that is...so fucking sad...I mean, d00d, get laid, get a whore,
>>whatever, I don't care, just have real sex at least once in your life
>>before you hit 30, afterwards you'll take down the bed poster, trust
>Nope. Did all that. Poster's still up.
I'm thinking you didn't do it in your bed room, most girls would probably be pretty put off by something so...well, HAG (horney anime geek) I think would be a good phrase to describe it.
You might try it, especially if there are music videos being shown. Here are some you could attend:At least the girls I get with would, I dunno, maybe I should try pickin up chicks at an anime convention sometime. `, P
Sakura Con, Seattle Airport Hilton, April 4-6, 2003. http://www.sakuracon.org/
Fanime Con, Santa Clara, CA, June 20-22, 2003. http://www.fanime.com/
Yaoi Con, San Francisco, CA, October, 2003. http://www.yaoicon.com/
The good news about this con is that it has a music video contest. The bad news is that most of the female fans attending would be more interested in each other than in you.
See if singing has calmed it down. Otherwise, I'll have to prepare the soup tureen!>Care for a warmup of your blo...uh, "tea", Hatter?
Well if you can manage to quell the tea pot, sure! But it seems to be quite provoked at the moment...quite provoked indeed...
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Yoko Kanno/Gabriele Robin
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- the Black Monarch
- Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2002 1:29 am
- Location: The Stellar Converter on Meklon IV
- the Black Monarch
- Joined: Tue Jul 09, 2002 1:29 am
- Location: The Stellar Converter on Meklon IV