If some of you are still wondering how they would cast Rei, I remember this one character from
the Farscape series who was sort of an albino. They should use some of the same make-up
techniques for Rei.
If there is any controversy because it has some religious themes and someone got bent out of
shape over it, it would probably result in a short run in the theaters and go straight to video. This
happened with a movie called Max, I think that's what it was called. It was about a man's
relationship with Hitler when he was a young artist. The plot followed him as he degenerated into
the mad dictator. A lot of critics loved it, but the general audience hated it because it made Hitler
human. Since no one liked it, it went straight to video, need to see it sometime. Who knows, a
similar deal might happen with the Eva movie.
I remember someone said in a parody casting, Keanu Reeves would play Gendo.
Fuyutuski: So what are we going to do about the old men?
Gendo: Don't worry. I know kung-fu.
Fuyu: ...uh, sure you do.
Makoto: Unit-01 has arrived at the surface.
Gendo: (upon seeing 01 for the first time)WHHOOOAAAA! EXCELENT!

Probably too busy to be here right now.