Arigatomyna wrote:Karou_ken wrote:Sesshomaru doesnt look like a girl.

Out of curiosity, would you say the same thing about Inuyasha? Because if you put a picture of human Inuyasha next to Kagome,
they look just like sisters. Human Inuyasha looks more like Kagome than Kikyo does.
Aaaahaha! *grabs disks for screen captures* I left my beyond the looking glass at work, so it's episodes...
Oh, and not that looking like a girl seems to be all that negative in the anime world... if you were to take just for example.... Kenshin, with his long flowing locks, and elaborate hairstyles, you probably wouldn't want him pissed at you.
Given that we are dealing with a magical world anyway, physical size and strength 'should' have little bearing on the "danger value" of the characters. Look at the old lady in the village. Inuyasha could I suppose tear off her arms and make old-lady-jerky out of her if he wanted to, except of course for her little spell with the necklace of sit. This of course gives rise to the idea that if she can do that to Inuyasha, could she do it to Sessoumaru (I doubt it), if she did, then that would make HER the most powerful character wouldn't it?
Inuyasha ~ Sessoumaru
Grandma is the winner. Plus she can cook some mean demon-kabobs.
Sessoumaru is in my opinion a poorly conceived character, as he has very little outward motivation, and is too powerful to really be a rival to the main characters. He's sort of a Deux Ex Machina for the writers to throw around when they need a little extra muscle not associated with the plot.