LordSesshoumaru wrote:Sesshoumaru-sama and Aoshi Shinomori. Hot Hot Hot!
Christina Santiago wrote:I'd have so manny hottees that I would love to date!! Here's a few of them
Kenshin- the faces he makes are hillarious
Inu-Yasha- I love his EARS!!!!
Miroku-kind of a pervert butstill way cute
Kouga- definetley cute
Darien- The FIRST anime guy I ever fell for
Hiei- Short feisty but a total Hotty!!
Kurama- He's so sweet!!!
Yoh- At times seems to be really clueless, but he has a great personality
Hao- duh Yoh's twin with a psychotic personality
Horo- Cute!
Ren- Hot!! With an attitude
And many more!!! What can I say! Some of the others are gay, that sucks!! Why do the cute guys gotta be gay! Wats up with dat?