UncleMilo wrote:About Voice Actors: Hollywood Stars have nothing to do with it. The Mononke dub and the Kiki dub had Hollywood stars and those dubs were not nearly as good.
And Cowboy Bebop had non-Hollywood stars and is one of the best anime dubs I know of.
Often, the problem doesn't lie with the actors, but the voice Director. The Voice Director who did Kiki's and Mononoke had directed a large number of horribly dubbed anime titles before... and Disney hired him because he had so many titles under his belt... not because they ever checked the quality of his work.
Hell... with Mononoke, they actually got an earful of how bad the dub was sounding and had to re-record 30 minutes of pre-recorded dialogue!! They had Neil Gaiman sit in the recording room behind the director to "assist" him in doing his job.
Good points, it ultimately up to the US Voice Director to cast a good cast. IIRC Mononoke had bigger names and yet Spirited Away was better. However, I don't find Mononoke that bad either.
UncleMilo wrote:Furthermore... a company like Disney has the money to be able to have actors do their lines over and over and over again until they get a read of the line they like. Small compnanies can't afford that and usually settle on a line read quickly... giving the actors only one or two goes at the line before moving on.
Yeah exactly. At the same time, this brings up another point. Dubs in general just don't have the same amount work put into them (b/c of the $) and also lack the original voice director and creator. When you put the money situation and creator all into perspective, you get a recipe for disaster. I think Disney does a decent job because they at least have the money and most of the time they get a decent voice director. You don't see my complaining about Disney films voice-acted in English do you?
Things like Beauty and the Beast, etc. is very well acted...so to all those who think this is some "he only likes Japanese voices" thing it isn't. It's a quality and purist thing. Original (US) Disney films are voice-acted very well b/c they put the time and money to get those kind of results.
I won't go on debating where Spirited Away sits in the realm of Miyazaki movies, because what's the point? I liked it better than some of the movies you mentioned and you didn't, but we both acknowledge what a great work it is... so we can just leave it at that.
(nod nod) I think we've hit all those points or rather agreed on the disagreements haha

but I also know what great evils also spew forth from the Disney conglomerate... and I just try to tread carefully when I talk about Disney, because the corporation is so many people
Well for me it's mostly that Disney has this image (that they also lie about) that they are this loving family company when at the same time their studios under them make movies like Pulp Fiction (good movie) and Natural Born Killers. I guess what I'm getting at is how people defend Disney like it's this totally clean virgin that can only do good and yet they are a massive entertainment giant that has done A LOT of bad things (the worst of which is them screwing over the creator of Kimba the White Lion)(shrug).
I do however agree that they have made some good films.