If you wanted to create an anime....what would it be about?

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Post by Cyanna » Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:25 pm

I've amused myself for a couple of years by creating a different civilization in the back of my mind which would probably make a good anime....or a live-action movie with a lot of CG characters and effects.

I suppose a plot that would describe it best best it would along the same lines as Princess Mononoke....Wiser animals against stupid humans and someone trying to find away for the two (or in this case 3) groups to coexist.

No mecha but a lot of mysticism.

And that's all I'm willing to reveal for now. I know I'm weird but this whole story thing is just really personal for me.

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Post by Nestorath69 » Tue Nov 18, 2003 2:39 pm

I'm one of those guys who just kinda enjoy the story for what it is... But honestly and seriously, this a very real potential we have here. A large volme of people who watch anime suddenly coming together to pool their ideas and develop something new and innovative. More power to you.

personally, I'm not one for a long story. Mine would be about eleven episodes, if even that. What I would like to see, however, is Hollywood moving into the "Grownup" animations... and instead of doing horrible book to movie translations (Like ALL of the Stephen King movies, excepting Shawshank Redemption and Green Mile) a smoother transition to animation would be more than acceptable, because, like Kintaro Oe said, There's a ton of things you can get away with in anime that you can't do in normal cinema.

I've said my piece.
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Post by )v(ajin Koji » Tue Nov 18, 2003 2:49 pm

i read what you said and I thought "uh huh" then I read your sig and couldnt take you seriously
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Post by Unknown-Fooly » Tue Nov 18, 2003 2:52 pm

My anime would be about a kid named Tycole seeking revenge trying to kill doriyu! It would have futuristic stuff like that!

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Post by Nestorath69 » Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:06 pm

Awww... My sig is to... Oh... well, there was this whole thread of teenyboppers all being stupid... and wouldn't you know it... I made it to show them how dumb they were... I think... can't remember why I did it... who cares about motivation?
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Post by DJ_Izumi » Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:18 pm

I want to make a Live Action 'anime' of sorts. Set in a Japanese boarding high school, who's population is 30% American transfers, and design it for an American audiance, focusing on Culture Clashes, language barriers, and teen drama, with a roughly 50/50 Japanese to English mix, similar to 'Blood: The Last Vampire' in use of language.

Including puns for the anime insiders, such as an Anime obsessed American Otaku, who upon arriving in Japan has his every anime induced delusion of Japan shattered with reality. Hrm, actually, that might insult the Otaku. :D


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Post by The Hitokiri Battousai » Tue Nov 18, 2003 9:15 pm

well Im already creating a manga so it's not anime per say.

Mine is Minagoroshiijou. And it's not just a thing with a few pages. I have like a freakin 200 total pages and several volumes of it.

The story is the world goes into nuclear war and basically all human kind is wiped out. Man though do survive but retiran superhuman abilities.

Japan has been prosperous and it's economy has boomed. Although, the world before them as been gone from thier mind. A few centuries has passed and a Minagoroshiijou has hit Japan. Meaning "The Great Slaughter". It was a battle of Traditional Japan and the Modernization Japan (the government) who wants Japan to become mor emodernize (guns, bombs, better tehcnology), etc. The traditional Japan wants no technology and dresses in the usual 18th centruy garb and fights with swords. A man named Naihastu Onimusha (i put my last names first and first names last so its Onimusha Naishatsu) is a general is the traditional Japan. A master of the sword which glows red. Without going to much in his story....the modernization Japan fails and new government is set up with has the inigration of Traditional and Modenrization Japan.

So we see Onimusha returns in Japanbut not with his sword. He has sworn never to use a sowrd. but under I guess secrecy and bumps into a young girl name Buruubaado Sukai. They become fast friends but many villains seeking out to kill Onimusha attacks him and he must fight these men off.

The manga would be proubly rated for ages 16 and up for extreme violence and blood. I have no swearing in it. I just feel you can portray an anime without swearing. It's very popular with my firneds and thier friends, etc.

Id say its a action, romance, comedy. There's alot of comedic parts like Onimusha standing on a table dancing in his skivies cause he's drunk.

Im also workin gon a new title anmed "Space Detective Go-Go". Take Cowboy Bepop and Outlaw Star put them together and make the main character a private Eye.

Im still working out the story and the characters.
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Post by ryuu_hime13 » Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:49 am

Sounds cool! The whole "never use a sword again" thing kinda reminds me of Kenshin a bit. I've only shown TPML to 2 or 3 friends...positive reviews so far, so I'm relatively happy. But then, I'm my harshest critic....
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Post by sunandshadow » Wed Nov 19, 2003 1:21 pm

Not what I would want to write at all, but it's wonderful that you have so much drawn! I wish I could just get started drawing a manga, but I con't think my art abilities are up to it... :(
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Post by samurairyu » Wed Nov 19, 2003 1:29 pm

I'm in the process of making a Gundam series right now. Thusly I have 5 Gundams(Seraphim, Black Lotus, People's Red Dragon, People's Red Tiger, and the Murder Gundam). I now have main 2 pilot characters drawn and 3 written.
The whole thing can be placed sometime after or before GW, and would entail a large, complicated plot involving the meaning of war and why every government oppresses its people and concordantly fails to last for any really long period in time(although one may argue that the Romans lasted for about a thousand years, they were a republic for the first half and the second was really a series of gov'ts lead by the emperors).

The main character will at first fully believe in everything his gov't tells him until some fucked up shit happens. Then he loses his mind and goes out in a blaze of glory. My brother and I shall be side characters that try to make a change in the status quo but fail and lose faith.

I'm including several young and attractive youths in the gratuity. Fanservice for all! :twisted:
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